But why?

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Tony Stark was a man of many words. He had many different sides too, depending on who he was talking to and how he felt about them.  But if you ever saw the little boy Stark took under his wing you'd immediately want to have that kind of bond with someone. He looked at Peter as if he was his own son. 

"Hey, Mr. Stark any plans today? Anything I can help with?" Peter said bouncing on his heels. Peter loved chemistry. It was a beautiful thing there was nothing he could be more fascinated by.  Except maybe a certain daughter of Stark. She didn't like him back. Pfft, why would she? She was cool, calm, and collected.  He was a hot mess trying to run in every direction to see everything. His hair curled and messy. Although it didn't look half bad. Or the way his Deep brown eyes gleamed when someone was proud of him. He was a dork with a cute crooked grin. Ahem but like i  said she paid no attention to him. Ever! That's final.

"Nothing for you to be getting anywhere near, kiddo," Tony said looking down at the tiny spider-ling and putting his hand on his shoulder. The walls he seemed to have built were just fuzzy waves that "this kid" was somehow able to walk right through. I would know. He's my dad. Tony always told himself he would never become his dad. Yet, there were times where just like now his work and research got in the way. I can't blame him I guess. He is just trying to save everyone. I just wish he could realize there will be a time when you can't save everyone. Don't lose sight of the people closest to you who need you the most.

I was watching the cameras from my room. I leaned back in frustration. It's not my fault I'm allergic to the world. To feel normal I have to take handfuls of pills. It's not my fault I'm me. That didn't matter I still have to deal with this.  All that I wanted was to be able to go outside, but the closest I can get is the lab. Maybe that's why dad told Peter no.  Which hardly ever happened anymore.  He's the son he never had, but I was right here.

Turning around staring at the door I stood up. "It'd be so easy to just-" I grabbed the handle.

"Mira you can't do that you will become extremely sick," Friday called. 

"Wow, Friday because I didn't know that the world makes me sick?" I said sarcasm laced in like poison. I rolled my eyes and gripped the handle.

"If you walk out that door I will alert Mr. Stark."

" Do it then!"

And I ran. I didn't look back. I hated being stuck there. I had one problem, however. I'm not used to running per se. I was panting by the time I made it down the corridor. I pressed the elevator button rapidly as if it would be able to come sooner. I don't even know why i'm running. Nothing's going to happen anyway. The doors opened and I froze. I wasn't expecting any one to be there. Especially not the boy in front of me. 

"Oh uhm, Hey?" Peter said immediately getting nervous scratching his neck. Not in a "i'm a lunatic!" Kinda way but in a " I'm a nerd but somehow still cute kinda way..." Not that he was or anything! 

" Hi," I retorted a blanket stare and forced smile stretched across my face. I waved but hoped he wouldn't continue talking. 

"You're Mira correct?" 

"Yes." It physically hurt to suppress my groan of irritation." And you're Peter Parker, Spider man!" I fain my excitement to meet the one and only. 

" Sounds like you really aren't excited to see me?" His eyebrows furrow in a cute little studying way. But It's ANNOYING. Ugh!

" Wow, that new?" Why am I being so rude?

" Not really the city doesn't know how to feel about me. What about you? You always this nice?" He chuckled his shoulders bouncing slightly. 

" Always," I throw him a thumbs up as I swerved around him to get into the elevator. " Honestly, I need to go before MY dad finds me, so bye!" The doors began to close.

"Wait! I had to ask!" He placed his hand on the door to stop it from closing. 



"Spit it out Parker." Seriously can you take this guy?

"How would you like to actually try to get to know each other? Let's say noon? We could grab lunch." He gave that crooked grin, the one where his dimples began to faintly crease his skin, and the wrinkles grow at the corner of his eyes that let you know it's sincere.

"I can't go outside." I said quickly. He deadpanned. 

"Why not?"

"I'm allergic to a lot of things I wasn't even supposed to leave my room..." I looked at the ground.

" What the heck! What are you going out here then?" Peter's eyes were the size of golf balls.

"Visiting my dad."

"Then I'll accompany you?" Just like that he was beside me, pressing the button to my father's lab. Can't wait for this lovely trip with absolutely butchered small talk. I'll spare you the details of that...

Courageous and I don't even think he realized, but when the door opened he grasped my wrist and off we went. I almost tripped I don't know how many times. Then the doors were swung open before I could change my mind. My father's eyes shot up to the door, then went wide. I gave a small wave like, "Surprise i'm out of my room and not dead." 

"What do you think you're doing?" 

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