"Not so fast," Satan spoke up once again. "Your job here isn't finished," he grumbled with an evil grin, keeping his gaze fixed on Louis' trembling form.

Harry stopped in his tracks, knowing exactly what comes next. He turned around to face Satan again, trying not to show any emotion on his face. For years he dreaded the day that Satan asked him to change an angel to a demon. The process was excruciating, and he simply couldn't watch the beautiful angel suffer.

"You know what to do," Satan started as he stared into Harry's eyes. "He's yours. Break him down; make him suffer. Tear every last bit of innocence away from him," Satan said in a dark voice, staring deeply into Harry's eyes as he came to the final step. "Make him one of us," he growled, smirking as Harry quickly nodded.

Tears sprang into Louis' eyes as he fell to his knees, feeling completely exposed and vulnerable. He crawled to Harry's feet pathetically, tears streaming down his flushed cheeks. "P-please don't do this to me. I beg you," he pleaded, looking up at Harry with tear filled eyes.

Harry looked down at Louis for a moment, watching the boy begged him to keep his innocence. He just shook his head, leaning down to grab Louis' arm, forcing him to his feet. "Come with me," he spoke darkly, fully aware of Satan's eyes burning into the back of his head while he turned to leave the room.

Louis stumbled behind Harry, trying to keep up with his quick pace as they neared another hallway. Many other demons passed by the two, not so subtly eyeing Louis up and down. Harry found himself pulling Louis closer to his side, almost as if he were claiming Louis to be his. He knew the other demons were afraid of him, seeing as Satan favored Harry.

Once they neared the room, Harry tugged the door open and pushed Louis inside, walking in after him and slamming the door shut.

"What are you going to do to me?" Louis asked quietly as he eyed Harry, afraid to know the answer.

Harry simply walked over to a table in the corner with multiple weapons on it, ignoring Louis' question. He grabbed some chains and brought them over to Louis, his face showing no emotion. He backed Louis up against the wall, and Louis' heart rate picked up when the demon towered over him.

They stared at each other for a moment, and Louis was frozen, taking in the demons emerald eyes. It wasn't long before Harry finally teared his eyes away from Louis and knelt down, connecting the chain to the wall. He then wrapped it around Louis' ankle so he couldn't escape.

"What are you going to do with me?" Louis asked again, his tone more aggressive this time.

Harry's eyes snapped up to him, walking forward until Louis was backed up against the wall once again. "I don't know. That's up to Satan, little angel," he mumbled,  voice deeper than usual. "If you want to stay alive, you'll respect me. Don't raise your voice again," he said simply before turning around again.

Louis was too afraid to say anything else. He watched as the demon walked to the large, stone door, pushing it open in one swift movement. "Don't leave me—" he was cut off when the door slammed shut and he was left alone in the cold, dark room.

It was pitch black, besides the natural glow of his delicate skin. His back slowly slid down the wall until he was sitting with his knees tucked to his chest. Loneliness slowly settled in and tears pooled in his piercing blue eyes. His feathery wings wrapped around his body as protection from the cold. Soon enough, his body started to violently shake while he tried to keep his composure, but it didn't last long when he tasted the saltiness of his tears dripping down his face and to his lips.

He let himself sob until there were no tears left in him. He found himself curled up into a ball, lying down on his side, only small whimpers escaping his lips every now and then. Finally, he fell asleep with dried tears on his cheeks, hoping he'd make it out alive.

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