Panem's Reaping

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"The Dark Days": a civil war waged against the Capitol, led by District 13 which was a center of the military–industrial production. The Capitol put down the rebellion and scorched District 13 to ashes, ostensibly wiping out its residents. The government refers to this war as "the Dark Days", and to punish the rebellious districts, and remind all generations of the Capitol's power, they instituted an annual pageant known as the "Hunger Games" for which each district is compelled to provide one male and one female "tribute" between the ages of 12 and 18, chosen by lottery. The twenty-four tributes are sent to an arena and forced to fight to the death until a single victor remains.


"(Y/N) (L/N)!"

Surrounding the dancing stage, stood all of District 3. Although, no one was dancing, nor was anyone calling out to the girl named (Y/N). Oh no. This was the election of tributes.

And President Snow was calling the name of the oh-so-lucky girl, (Y/N) (L/N).

No one dared to breathe as you slowly walked to the stage, stunned.

It was evident that Snow wasn't very patient with the slow girl, motioning to nearby Peacekeepers to hurry the girl up. Two Peacekeepers roughly grabbed the girl by her arms and pushed her forward. Stumbling, the girl walked up the stairs and hesitantly grabbed the President's hand, who shook it for them. With a sickening smile, Snow looked down on the 15-year-old girl.

"Goodluck, honey." His smile, his tone, his hand. It all made your blood run cold. You quickly took your hand away and nodded, backing away a step.

"These are your two tributes! Make sure to give them a 'good luck!' when you see them! And please, do get ready for your first ever Hunger Games!" Snow gave a quick laugh, turned, and escorted the two tributes out of the plaza. Walking out, you noticed the sorrowful expressions the people of District 3 were given them. It was evident everyone was feeling pity for them and, in a small attempt to make them stop looking at you like that, made sure to give them a small, sad, smile as you passed.

"(Y/N)!!!! PLEASE! LET ME THROUGH! (Y/N)!!!!" Stopping you, was your mother sobbing at the sight of her daughter being taken away from her.

You didn't even have the time to say "Mom." before Snow's rough hand urged you forward, making you stumble a bit. The President's hand was holding tightly onto the neck, nearly choking you, steering the tributes to the President's headquarters, which had just been built a few weeks prior. Bitting your bottom lip, holding chokes, and looking down at the pavement, you attempted to keep the tears that were threating to spill at bay. You didn't want to seem like a pathetically weak person. The District's Reaping was being broadcasted all over Panem after all.

Soon, as the sounds of a gunshot and the screams of your mother reached your ears, the tears finally spilled.

         ⚡ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ⚡

It had only been around half an hour since the Reaping, but it felt like a whole day. Finally, looking up since when they had arrived at the President's headquarters, you observed the room.

The room was a dark gray, binary numbers hung in picture frames on the wall, and there were a few cabinets with small lamps stationed perfectly on top. You were sitting on a dark green armchair and sitting across, was the male tribute.

You noticed that this was the first time you had seen him since he walked up the stairs. Now that you were right in front of each other, it was a lot easier to take his appearance in. He had messy yellow hair, with bangs that framed his face, and a striking black highlight that looked like a lightning bolt. In all honesty, he looked pretty innocent, so you couldn't help but feel bad for the both of you. You felt bad for him because of innocent appearance, which probably meant he didn't have a clue on how to fight. But that would be bad for the both of you because you wouldn't be able to work together as he would just turn into a burden.

Feeling the stares coming from you, the yellow-headed boy looked up and met your eyes. "Um, hi."

You simply nodded, but you hoped your puffy eyes weren't a burden to stare at.

The yellow head smiled slightly at you and stared down at the floor, fidgeting his hands.

"So, it's probably best if we got to know about each other before the games. Right?"

You nodded. "Yeah."

The yellow head looked up, "I'm Denki Kaminari, a first year studying electric conductivity and technology.  And you are?"

You wiped your eyes with the back side of your hand, "I'm (Y/N) (L/N), a first year studying programming and electric weaponry. Nice to meet you."

"Woah," Kaminari's eyes sparkled, "Electric weaponry? That's awesome!"

You giggled and wiped your puffy eye once again.

You both sat in silence for a bit, a little awkwardness in the air. You decided to speak up.

"Um, I like your hair. It's really cool."

Denki looked up quickly, a small blush on his face. He was very flustered about the compliment on his hair, so much so that he began stuttering.

"Oh! R-really? Are you s-serious? Um, ah, t-thank you." He blushed and turned to the side with a small smile on his face, finger lightly scratching his cheek. "N-no ones really ever said that to me before. Everyone always thinks it's fake."

You got the expression that this boy either didn't get many compliments or he didn't get along with girls too well. Perhaps both. You smiled at that.

"Are you two done knowing each other for tonight?"

Both teens quickly turned their heads, their smiles dropping, as they now stared at President Snow. The President smiled a sickeningly sweet smile and gestured at the two teens to follow him. The tributes stood and nervously followed, stealing glances at each other every so often.

"Right now," Snow spoke after several minutes, "I am leading you both to your respective rooms where you will sleep in until tomorrow. You will both get a makeup team assigned to each of you. You'll each need to sleep early so you can rise early."

Snow stopped in front of a door, pointing to a sign to the side of it that read "(Y/N) (L/N)".

"Early bird gets the worm."

Snow made no effort to open the door and continued to walk.

"Goodnight." The yellow-headed teen quickly waved and jogged after Snow.

You looked after Kaminari and muttered a small, "Goodnight."

You watched them turn a corner and unlocked the door, stepping in. You gasped at how big the room was. Not to mention, it was clean too. After closing the door you, still in awe, went over to the bed in the corner of the room. You placed your hand on the sheets of the bed and softened your expression before throwing yourself upon the bed.

"Well Snow, guess I'll go to sleep as you said."

You couldn't believe that you were enjoying the feeling of the luxurious bed that was part of your Death Day Holiday stay. It wasn't home, but it was enough to settle your nervous mind.

You laid quite for a while before closing your eyes., quietly saying goodnight to your mother.

                   ⚡ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ⚡

Word Log: 1268 Words

Chapter 1: "Panem's Reaping" End

"The Dark Days" Kaminari Denki x Reader [Hunger Games AU]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя