Chapter 2

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Gone...They were all gone...

Going down the stairs, the lights flickered again, this time staying dark. Going right to the main hall, once again they no one was there. 'No one's around...' I thought, my eyes finally ajusted to the darkness. *bump bump bump* someone here? Deciding to see who that was, I walked around some more. Seeing the rose again where that kid and man was. Seeing no one there, I was gonna leave, but the I heard someone cough. Freezing in fear, I slowly turned around, only to see no one was there. 'The Coughing Man' I thought going to look at the painting. 

Looking at the painting, slowly leaning in until I was so close, I could smell the paint. Suddenly, it coughed in my face! Spit covered my shocked face as I jumped back in surprise. Wiping the spit off my face and quickly getting up on my feet and up the hallway. Going back to where we started, I put my hands on my knees, catching my breah. 'What....What just happened? I...I gotta get outta here!!' I thought running to the entrance door.

'Its....Its locked?!?!' I tried opening the door again. Banging, pulling, man I even kicked it. "Ow!" I hissed in pain. I leaned against the door sliding down, holding my injured foot. I sighed thinking,'How am i suppose to get out of here now?' Getting up I went back up the stairs, better looking for any way out instead of just sitting there. Going right then going down another hallway, I passed a fruit painting...

*Splat* I looked back towards the painting, seeing a tomoto on the floor. Remembering a tomato on the painting, I walked away...well more liked speed walked away. Going down, I lookied for anyone, anyone who could be there. Going left, back to the big painting. It was exactly the same except blue paint was dripping from the painting. Trying to get a better look at it, but then I heard something behind me. Turning around quickly, hoping someone was there, but all I saw was a bunch of letters on the ground.

C-O-M-E    E-V-E

Turning back to the paint, but now instead of a blob of paint its a sentence. "Come down Eve, I'll show you someplace secret." Okay now that's creepy. But...where's "down below"? Hm... Might as well look for down below. 'Maybe its downstairs...' I thought going downstairs. But before I did that... *Bang Bang Bang* I quickly turned around looking at the window behind me. There were hand prints on the window. 'W-was some one there?' I thought trying to open the window. It doesn't seem locked, but it wont open... Sighing I went down the stairs taking a right into the main Gallery. The chain around the ??? of the Sea was gone in one spot. Blue foot prints were leading down to the sculpture. 'Is that what it meant by going down below?' I thought looking inside. I sighed, "Well here goes nothing." I muttered aking a step back and jumping in. 

Alright I've never done this before how about 2 comments for the next chapter? Ja Ne !

My version of Ib (Pewdiepie/Felix love story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt