Chapter 2

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I had to double check and zoom in to the max. I could not believe my eyes, the female artist was none other than Jessie Fucking J. I've been a fan of Jessie's ever since I first heard Do it Like a Dude on the radio, I wouldn't say I was a die hard fan (Heartbeat) but I knew all the lyrics to her album. Originally I thought the artist would be up coming, just starting out, but NO it was a born mega star. As I sat there staring at my screen, I realised how dry my mouth had become, I knew it was time to face my mum, and her dreaded questions, interview number 2 of today!

After making sure my car was locked, I took a steady walk up the path towards the door. I knew I had to play this down as there was no guarantee I would even get the job, especially the way my interview went. As you can most likely tell, I am pessimist kind of girl, the cup is always half empty. Once I opened the front door, I headed straight for the kitchen, knowing full well my mum would be there with a cup of tea waiting for me. No doubt I was right. I do love my mum she was the only one who ever believed in me, when it comes to achieving my dreams in becoming the owner of my own advertising agency. I love music but I can not sing for toffee, nor play any musical instrument. So the only way I knew I could be part of the music industry was behind the scenes, running the business operations.

Mum -"Hi darling, how did it go? Did you find the place alright? Did you see anyone special? I made you a cup of tea"
What did I tell you, as many questions as possible, within a minute world record is awarded to my mum each year without a doubt.
Alicia -"Breath mum, the interview went okay I guess, it's just that I was very nervous and I think the interviewer could tell. The place was dead easy to find, it's a half an hour drive max from our house. As for meeting anyone special, does a life size picture of Dizzee Rascal count?" I chuckled at my last commented knowing full well what my mums reaction would be.

Mum -"Who the hell is Dizzee Rascal when he's at home?" A seriously confused expression, was plastered on my mums face.
Alicia- "Oh he's just an English rapper on the label, he performed at the Olympic ceremony, don't you remember?"
Mum- "Oh yeah, he's the one that sings, 'Some people think I'm bonkers, but I just think I'm free, man, I'm just livin' my life, there's nothin' crazy about me"
Alicia - " Yeah that's the one"
Mum - "I hate it"
Alicia - "That's, a bit harsh, what's he ever done to you?"
Mum-"Make music"

The conversation went on for hours as it usually does, when me and my mum get talking. In fact we managed to get through six cups of tea each, within that space of time. It was slowly approaching midnight, and I was becoming tired and snappy, which occurs when I'm in need of my bed. I decided not to tell my mum about the successful candidate getting to work with Jessie J, as I knew full well she would get excited, and it would only get my hopes up to be knocked down like a bull dozer hitting a thousand ft tall building.
I was in my pyjamas lying in bed, where all I could do was wish my dreams come true, and I would receive that one important email, that will change my life for good.

I woke up the next day, quite early. Ive always been a morning person, and it certainly was 'the early bird catches the worm' kind of day. When I realised that today was the day, I would find out my fate, I sprinted to my laptop and logged straight onto my google mail. Even though it was only 8am, and deep down I knew they wouldn't email me at this time, it still did not stop me from pressing F5 a thousand times, just refreshing the same page over and over again. It was now getting closer to dinner time, when my mum realised I was just staring at my screen.
Mum - "Darling, have you checked to see, if they have emailed you, before we have dinner?"
Alicia - "Yeah I can do, suppose it won't hurt to press F5 one more time"

My eyes scanned across the screen in disbelief. One new message!!! I anxiously clicked open.
Subject: Marketing Internship

Dear Alicia,

First of all thank you for your interest in the position. We would like to take this time to congratulate you, and offer you the position for the next 12 months, with a view of a permanent deal.

You blew us away during the interview, and the team/label believe you will be a good match with the artist (Jessie J), who is looking forward to meeting you and discussing her ideas in greater detail.

The meeting with Jessie and her team, will take place on 28th August at 11o'clock. Please don't be late as Jessie has other commitments you soon will be aware of. Also dress appropriately as there is a chance you will be leaving the office.

Good luck Alicia,

Kind Regards

Daniel Mason

OMG did you read that. I have got the job, not just that but working with JESSIE J. I told myself to breath before I pass out due to the lack of oxygen. My mum must have been able to sense the good news, no scrap that GREAT NEWS.
Mum - "You did it, didn't you Alicia, I knew you would, I am so proud of you!" The hug I received during that statement completely squeezed the last of the air I had in my lungs.
Alicia- "YES, I bloody well did! To be able to work with Jessie, is going to be like a dream come true" I said this as I started to believe in myself.
Mum - "Wo Wo Wo wait up did I hear you right, you're working with Jessie J, the blond boldy in the spinning chair thingy, on BBC one, who can sang, as she likes to call it".
Alicia - "Yes that's the one" this is me trying to play it down, but deep inside I'm like a kid in a chocolate factory.
Mum - "And when was you planning on telling me this". She looked upset, but I didn't have time to question this.
Alicia - "Now, but first of all we need to go shopping, I need something suitable to wear".

As we was walking into the local shopping mall, I was getting the usual lecture from my mum.
Mum - "You maybe meeting Jessie J, but you don't want to spend all your money on clothes before you've even earned it, it's not like your spending 24 hours with her seven days a weeks, nor will she remember you".
The last comment she made really hurt me, but she did make a good point maybe I should only spend a little bit of money first. As I thought this we headed into the usual shops, River Island, Top Shop, New Look etc.

I think this is the right time to describe myself. Where to start. First of I'm 5ft 6 so the average size woman, I wear a 6/7 shoe size, my weight usually Yo-yos so I'm usually a dress size 8 to 12 (at the moment currently a 10). I have long, thick, curly blond hair, which takes the biscuit when trying to straightening it. I'm White-British, but have this unusual tan like skin, maybe somewhere in my family tree there's other country origins. I have a strong Yorkshire accent as I am originally from Sheffield, but this is changing with the longer I stay in London to live. Overall my best feature as my friends would say, are my high hip bones and great personality. Yeah I know I've got a lot going for me in the features department. NOT!

After shopping around for four hours, I decided on black straight leg banded waist flat front trousers, a crisp white shirt which only buttoned up, to just above my chest. With a tailored black one buttoned blazer and a nice pair of small black kitten heel shoes. Very formal, but I needed to make a good first impression right? I have always preferred the female suit to a dress, I don't know why, it's just more comfortable more me.

We eventually got home and it was going onto 10pm, so I decided to call it a day. Go to bed early today, in order to wake up refreshed and raring to go tomorrow. As I was sat in bed with the lap top on I decided to read the email again, it stated 'Jessie has other commitments you soon will be aware of. Also dress appropriately as there is a chance you will be leaving the office'. This could mean two things either I will be traveling to different event schedules with Jessie or just been the dogs body and getting everyones coffees from the shop. Either way it was a guarantee I will be meeting Jessie flipping J tomorrow.

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