A hero's past defines their future

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Challenge Theme: A hero’s past defines their future

I decided to think back. Kind of stupid really, I don’t have anything important to think back to. My childhood was spent mostly being in danger at UA. “Why am I having to do this for crying out loud?!”

No response.

Obviously he wasn’t going to let me leave this office until I actually did what they needed me to do. Fucks sake I just wanna leave and continue training!

“I just think it’d be healthy for you to think about what you’ve gone through. You always compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to them and define yourself by how much better or worse you are compared to them. You should think about yourself for once!” I guess the principal really wasn’t going to let me leave until I did this stupid thing?! “Fine, but just so I can leave alright?!”

Right. Think back. I have to anyways. Two teachers are guarding the outside of this place and the Principal would have already predicted everything i’m going to do with his intelligence.

“Well I guess if I have to i’ll have to start with the training camp…” I hate talking about the training camp. It was awful after all. “It was shit. Everyone got hurt and I couldn't exactly help much.” The principal looks mad, I did swear though so it makes sense.

“We know what happened to you that day, yet what about after?”

After? It was hell. I was trapped and unable to do anything even if I tried. “Who cares what happened after?!” I know it's harsh but it's who I am. I have to be like this right? I have to improve and be better than the others but I can't if i'm trapped in an office.

“People care. They may not show it but they do. Trust me keeping everything bottled up won't help you.” Principal won't let this go will he?

“I don't WANT to talk. All Might lost his power and got into fights! It was hell and I helped cause it! IF I HADN'T BEEN SO STUPID WHEN I WAS YOUNGER I WOULDN'T HAVE CAUSED IT AND ALL MIGHT-” ...All Might. I contributed to All Might failing. I messed up. I shouldn't even still be here.

“You know it's okay. It's not your fault, All Might was going to lose his power eventually.”

I guess he's right but…

“I can't help it. It feels like it was my fault. I messed up. I've been trying to fix it but I can't.” It's true. I've worked harder but after everything else people around me are still better no matter how hard I try. It's pointless. There's no way in hell i'm letting the principal know.

“Listen to me. A hero's past defines their future. Not the expectations of others or how good others around them are. You define you not what happened. The teachers have known you still feel like it was your fault and others do too yet it's not. It was never your fault and you shouldn't push yourself down by comparing yourself to others all the time.”

What do I even say to that? I know he's right yet these feelings won't go away...they can't go away even of I try to get rid of them. I still caused All Might, my hero, to leave. He lost his powers because of me. “I can't forget what I caused.”

“You don't have to. Your past may define you but look at how much you've improved! You have potential and you've improved so much from when you were younger. You'll be a great hero.”

I don't know what's happening. I just started crying and.. why the fuck am I crying?! I shouldn't be right?

“You can leave now, I think you got the message.”

I got up to leave, I need to go. I have a lot to think about. “I can still be a hero because even with my mistakes i've improved..”

I feel better at least. This feeling won't go away but maybe I can use it to drive myself to improve more.

“One last thing.” I stopped and turned back to the principal.

“Remember a hero's past defines their future, Bakugo”

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⏰ Última atualização: Jan 23, 2019 ⏰

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