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Bo's pov

"We can't let him leave, you saw the condition he was in, it'll kill him." I said, trying to explain.  Me, Luke, Uncle Jesse, and Daisy were deciding what to do with the silver-hair boy in the bedroom.  "But we can't have him stay, we can get him another place in town, he's a stranger!" Daisy argued.  "No, no Daisy, Bo is right.  He can't leave here, especially in the condition he's in." Uncle Jesse said, which settled the argument.  The boy was staying.  I quite like him.  He looks so innocent, so peaceful.  I snuck into the  bedroom, trying not to make too much noise.  I slowly sat in a chair, which made a slight creaking sound.  The boy didn't even flinch.  He stayed still as his chest moved slowly up and down.  Luke walked in and sat beside me.  "Has he woken up yet?" He whispered.  "No, he must have been real banged up if he's slept this long." I whispered back.  Luke gave a slight nod.  He frowned in concentration.  I looked at him curiously.  "What are you thinking about?" I asked.  "When you said the boy shouldn't leave because of his condition...You didn't want him to leave, did you?" He asked.  I sighed and shook my head.  "I...I just...I just feel as if he belongs here.  With us." I tried to explain.  But Luke just held up his hand and smiled.  "Glad to know someone feels the same." He said.  I smiled.  A groan broke the small silence.  The boy started to sit up, only to fall back down and double over in pain.  "I'll go get Uncle Jesse." Luke said, and left the room in a flash.  I held the boy and tried to calm him down.  Uncle Jesse appeared with Luke and began to help the boy.  He added a gel to his exposed skin, changed the bandages, and gave the boy some pain killers.  He seem to relax after a while.  As the boy relaxed his muscles, I could see him smile at Uncle Jesse, showing he was grateful.  "You feeling ok?" I asked.  The boys eyes darted over to me, he stared at me.  He smiled.  "As good as I'm gonna get." He said, his voice scratchy and sick-riddled.  "Uh...I don't mean to pry, but uh...You never told us your name." Luke said, half whispering it.  "Sorry..." The boy replied.  "No, no, don't worry about it, I was just curio-" "Silver..." We looked at him.  "I'm sorry?" Luke replied.  "My name...It's Silver."  He seemed so strained.  "Now, you just relax.  Um, you don't have a last name?" I asked carefully, not wanting to trigger any bad memories or anything.  He shook his head, he face was unreadable.  "I've been on my own for as long as I remember." He said.  I frowned, I couldn't imagine having to live a life like that.

Silver Duke of Hazzard CountyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat