Chapter Two

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CRASH! A loud clang of some pots falling off the kitchen shelf downstairs startles me awake. I look over to my alarm clock: six thirteen in the morning. I reluctantly put my head under my pillow, but then something hits me. Today is the first day of senior year. Figuring I want to make a good impression, I decide that I should start getting ready. With all the energy I possibly possess, I lift myself up into a sitting position and rub my eyes, trying to open them up in the process. There's a slim beam of light shining through my blinds, and it hits at just the right angle to where I'm blinded when I'm suddenly smacked in the face.

I fall back onto my bed again and then something wet starts gliding across my face. I put my hands up in defense only to be bombarded by a handful of soft fur.
"Sophie!" I yell. The culprit was none other than my frisky terrier Sophie. Short for her age, but sure is a heavy one. Too much dog food, I guess. I lift her up and put her to my right on my bed as I sit back up.

I get off my bed and head over to my closet, which is merely just a pole in an indent of my wall. I start scanning through the shirts and pants only to come to the realization that the majority of my clothes are either running shirts or shirts from various sports events. I feel defeated after searching for five solid minutes and coming up empty. All I managed to grab was a pair of navy blue skinny jeans; no shirt to flatter this "nice" article of clothing I happened to possess. With no where else to look in my closet, I headed out of my room and across the hall to the room of my twin sister, Lauren. She is sporty, like me, but I know that her most recent purchase was two plain v-neck shirts in black and red. We were the same size, and knew each other so well, so she threw the black shirt at me as soon as she opened the door. As I walked away, I heard her yell "keep it, I got it on sale anyways and black is more your color! Who knows what cute boy you could run into with that shirt!"

I rolled my eyes as I entered my room once more. Slipping on my jeans and t-shirt, I plopped myself down on my floor in front of my mirror and proceeded to do my hair. I straightened it as I usually do, because God knows if I didn't, my hair would stand a foot tall and two feet wide. I applied minimal makeup to my fair colored face and applied mascara on my top and bottom lashes, but not before applying my signature gold eye shadow, making my blue eyes pop. After gliding on a wing style of liquid eyeliner, getting into my leather jacket and slipping on my black and white converse, I was ready to go.

I ran downstairs and ate a banana with granola bites and then brushed my teeth swiftly. The tv was on the morning news, so I watched that for a good ten minutes before my sister came downstairs and was ready to leave. I grabbed the keys to our car and then we were on our way to start what I would hope to be the best year of my life.

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