Back Part 2// Scott Mccall

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to the motel a town over." (Y/N) nodded and Stiles shook his head immediately.

"No, no. We have a guest room, why don't you stay here." Stiles didn't ask, insisted the most.

"Oh no, I couldn't." She shook her head and Scott cleared his throat.

"Really, you should." He smiled at her and she sighed giving in knowing it wouldn't go her way.

"Sure." She simply said.

"Daddy can you read me a story?" Mateo yawned once more. (Y/N) tried avoiding his face as much as she could and it wasn't because she didn't want to acknowledge his existence but because the resemblance to Allison was still too much for her to handle.

"Of course, buddy. Let me just go show (y/n) her room, yeah?" Scott smiled at him bopping his nose.

"I got it man, you can take care of him." Stiles patted his back and (y/n) had to thank Stiles mentally for that. Scott looked at her and she nodded before he smiled.

"Okay, come on buddy." Scott opened his arms and Mateo jumped into them. "Say goodnight to uncle Stiles and (y/n)."

"Goodnight uncle Sti!" Mateo yelled before looking at (y/n) who looked down at his stare. "Goodnight (y/n)" Mateo found it hard to pronounce her name but he tried his best before she smiled and looked at him for a split second.

"Goodnight Mateo." She whispered and looked down once again. Stiles showed her to her room and soon enough she was laying on the bed. She couldn't sleep, of course she couldn't. So many bombs had dropped today and she was having a hard time wrapping her head around Scott having a child. She knew she was overthinking it, hell she knew it didn't matter what she thought. A knock on the door startled her before she shot up sitting at the edge of the bed. "Come in." She cleared her throat and Scott opened the door. He walked in silently before closing the door behind him. He knew she was having a hard time coming back to all of this and he wanted to make sure she was okay.

"Hey." He sighed out and she tried to give him a smile. "I'm sorry, about all of this. I know it must be hard to come back and finding out about Mateo, it's not easy." She nodded.

"He looks a lot like her." She whispered as she fiddled her fingers trying her best not to cry.

"Yeah, he has her personality too." Scott smiled. "It's not as hard to see his face anymore." Scott answered her unasked question. "It was at first, hell I didn't know how to raise a kid on my own, my mom helped me. She supported me even though everyone thought I was crazy but I couldn't fail him, not like I failed Allison." Scott shook his head and cleared his throat, he didn't want to cry, not when he hadn't cried in years.

"Why didn't you tell me?" (Y/N) finally blurred out. She wanted to know why even if there wasn't a reason.

"I uh" Scott sighed. "I found out about your um, complication on the golden gate bridge." (Y/N)'s heart started to pound harder and she knew Scott could hear it. "Right after Allison's death." He bit his lip and she found it harder to breath as she stood up and started pacing. "Hey, please calm down." Scott spoke but she couldn't calm down, hell she didn't think anyone would have known about that.

"You." She breathed out. "You knew this entire time." Her breath was running out.

"Yes." She shook her hands in front of her face trying to get air but nothing was working. Scott put his hand on her arm and shined his red eyes at her, not to scare her but to calm her, something he had learned to do to Liam when he was having a mental breakdown. She looked at Scott and her breathing became normal. "I was going to tell you, I was. But then I found out and." She shook her head cutting him off.

"You thought I couldn't handle it." Scott pursed his lips and looked down and (y/n) shook his hand off.

"I didn't want you to try again." He whispered.

"You didn't even bother to call, to see how I was doing, to see if I wasn't going to do it again." She wasn't mad, she was disappointed, so fucking disappointed.

"I had bigger problems." He simply said. Bigger problems, (y/n) thought to herself. As if her trying to kill herself wasn't a big problem. She scoffed and turned her back on him. She couldn't believe what was going on, she knew Scott didn't care for her in the loving manner she wanted but she didn't know that he didn't care for her at all. "It's not like that, that came out wrong." Scott sighed but she shook her head before she started to clear her things. "Please don't go." Scott sighed once again and although she tried not to cry she found it hard not to when she found out one of her friends couldn't have been bothered to call her when she was in a desperate place.

"You know, I knew you couldn't be bothered by me. Hell, I even let you use me as a rebound after Allison and you broke up but I didn't expect this from you Scott." She slung her backpack over her shoulder and before she could walk out he stepped in front of the door.

"It's nothing like that, please let me explain." She shook her head and wiped the tears away from her face.

"Move or I'll move you." She released her claws and Scott sighed not giving in.

"I didn't mean it like that, I just. I had just lost Allison, I was dealing with being a single father, there was a threat in town, the world doesn't just revolve around you. You left, because you couldn't be the bigger person, because you couldn't take a small heartbreak, we were together for two months, you couldn't have possibly been that broken. Then you go and try to commit suicide, that's just a cry for attention." Scott regretted the words as soon as he said them. He opened his mouth to speak but a giant slap caught him off guard.

"Screw you." She whispered before pushing him out the way and walking out of the bedroom. She wiped her eyes as the tears kept running down. She stopped in the middle of the hallway when she saw the small boy. He had heard voices and he was scared but when he didn't find his dad in his room he decided to look around the house.

"Where are you going?" He asked, holding his teddy bear in his hands. "Why are you crying?" He frowned before Scott appeared behind her. "Daddy why is your friend crying?" (Y/N) didn't know what to say, she just wanted to get the hell out of there but everything was finding it hard to let her.

"Mateo, go to your room." Scott sighed but Mateo was hard headed at times. Mateo shook his head and crossed his small arms. "Mateo, don't make me count." (Y/N) was stuck but she cleared her throat before trying to move past Mateo. She felt a small hand on hers and she stopped.

"Please don't leave. Daddy can make you smile, I promise." He was so innocent and clueless. (Y/N) smiled at him only because she didn't know what else to do. She shook his hand out of hers as soft as she could before walking out of the house. She drove around for hours before calling him, the only person she could always run to. She knocked on his hotel door and he didn't hesitate to open it. She crashed into his chest as soon as she saw him, she wanted to feel some sort of comfort and she felt it when his arms wrapped around her.

"Hey, it's okay. Tell me what happen." Isaac closed the door to his hotel room and she told him everything. Her attempted suicide, her conversation with Scott, everything. Isaac was hurt about her attempted suicide, hell he cried when she described it to him. She slept in his arms that day, although he couldn't sleep, not after learning what she had been going through, alone.  

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