The Rumor, The Legend, The Mystery

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•°•The Romanov

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The Romanov

•°•The Romanov

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Birth Name:

Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova

Known as:



Anya is quite outspoken for a young girl of her age. Not at all princess material at first glance with the phrases that can leave her lips at times. She wants adventure and a family. A very hopeful young girl that believes in signs. Kind hearted and courageous even.

Anya was born the youngest daughter of the last Russian Tsar, their reign ended during the revolution. All but one perished in a cellar shot by their own men. That night, Anya was supposed to go with her Grandmother to Paris yet unfortunately never got to. The moment that her grandmother boarded the train, Anya couldn't keep up and hit her head in the midst of chaos. Forgetting everything and only remembering something's in dreams. She grew up as an orphan and worked hard for the ten years that came of her life.

Her Grandmother, Marie

Reading, water, swimming, animals, her dog

Her nightmares, losing hope

That she'll end up alone, that she'll never find out who she is and where her family is

The Soldier

°•°The Soldier

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Name:Andrei Kozlovsky

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Andrei Kozlovsky



Andrei is a serious and driven individual. He grew up a bit too early much like the others have had to. He's strong, a perfect soldier on the outside. Attempts not to get too close to people. Protective, Intelligent, and really does try to be kind. Honorable

Andrei grew up with his mother and father. His father was in there in the cellar on the night of the Romanov's demise. Andrei was only eleven when he heard the screams of those locked inside. He believed that no one lived on that night. After that his father was a changed man. Harsh to Andrei, while his mother would try to excuse his behavior. Andrei became a soldier due to his father's wishes and the fact that he wanted to see Russia better itself than what it had now become.

Mother, and father

Training, eating, not being seen as an enemy, reading

His father, hurting people that are innocent

Becoming his father

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2019 ⏰

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