Worried (trigger warning)

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Cafeteria 12:08pm

"Hey guys what's up?" Ash asked joining Larry and Sal at lunch.

"Nothing much Ash, what about you?" Larry asked looking at Sal.

"Uh I'm good...are you guys ok. Did Travis hurt Sal again?" Ash said worried.

"yeah he di-"

"I'm fine though it doesn't matter" Sal said cutting off Larry.

Sal looks down again at his lap like he is reading something.

"What u reading Sal?" Larry asked curious

"Uh.. nothing important." Sal quickly crumples the paper and puts in on the floor.

-RING RING RIIIIIIIIIING- "Lunch is over already damnit" Ash grabbed her stuff and headed to class.

"bye guys ttyl"

Larry looks at Sal "Hey man you ok? you seem down."

"Yeah I'm fine just waiting for school to be over" Sal grabs his stuff and heads to class.

Larry stays back and waits till Sal leaves the Cafeteria. Using his foot Larry gets the paper Sal put on the floor

What the paper said:
Fucking slut how many people you gotta fuck to make them be your "friend." You are so annoying just slit your wrist and die you fucking loser. Your mom hated you so much she died and it's all your fault. You killed her you're a murderer. Here's a tip on who to kill next. Yourself.

Larry rips the paper into many pieces he's mad as fuck. No wonder Sal seemed so sad. He was reading this. Larry headed to class rage on his face. He knew who wrote it and he was going to beat their ass.

After school 3:26pm

"Hey Larry hey Sal" Ash said walking up to the boys.

"About time you showed up damn it's been twenty years!!" Larry said jokingly.

Sal looks at the ground holding his arm. Larry knew what he was going to do and wanted to say something but didn't know how.

"Hey Sal want to stay the night at my house tonight?" Larry asked.

He wanted to get Sal away from his Father and to make sure he didn't do anything bad to himself.

"Um sure that sounds fun..I mean cool it sounds cool."

Larry smirked at Sal knowing that Sal was blushing under his Mask.

Larry's Room 5:56pm

"Sal can I ask you something?"

"yeah sure. What is it?"

Larry took a deep breath getting his words together. "Sal I saw your arm today...and I read the note"

Sal froze. FUCK Now Larry knows how pathetic you are.

"Larry..i-i...um" Sal stuttered

"Sal I want you to talk to me please."

Sal looked down tears running down his face but luckily his mask was hiding his face.

"Larry I do it cause it helps me...My life is horrible my dad hits me when he's drunk, Travis punches and kicks me. And my face. I'm ugly I know that once someone sees it they will call me ugly and not hang out with me anymore. I just want to die..." Sal looks at Larry he has tears running down his face

-larry hugs Sal tight- "Don't ever say you want to die again. I'm here and I'll make sure no one hurts you again. Just please no more cutting. I'm really worried for you Sal." Larry says his voice cracking.

"O-ok Larry I promise I'll try to stop"

Sal laid his head on Larry's shoulder he was tired. It had been a long day at school.

"Hey Sal i-" Larry looked to see Sal had fallen asleep.

Larry blushed a bit glad Sal was asleep and didn't see it. Larry laid back on the bed holding Sal. He would make sure no one hurt him ever again.

(OMG ranked #9 THANK YOU GUYSSS!!!! Also sorry this chapter is shorter school just keeps getting in the way)

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