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aria quietly sighed as she continued to scan her instagram, staring at the hate comments that she continued to receive. she quickly got out of   her bed and made her way towards the kitchen, snatching up a snack and resting on the couch only for the door bell to ring. with another sigh she got up and answered the door.

"why hello there, aria, you look sad," bylthe stated.

"and a bit lonely," kace continued.

"oh! don't forget bored out of her damn mind" aiden voiced.

aria could't help but laugh at the trio that stood before her. she let them in with a hurry before the cold winds hit her to hard. she resumed her place on the couch and watch as the teens in front of her looked with sorrow, as if she just got out of a break up, well she did. she quickly took notice of the odd behavior and studied the three before her.

"can i help you with something?" she questioned.

"well, i- s-see the thing is ari ,you just got a lot of hate for basically no reason at all," aiden started.

"yeah, and..?"

"so what aiden is saying is that we want to go out and do something special with you before the hate gets worse." kace spoke.

" and what do you suppose we do?" she mumbled, chips blocking her speech.

" we knew you would ask that, that's why we suppose we all go on a road trip!" bylthe shouted with enthusiasm

" a road trip? where? when? how?"

"wow, for a chill person you sure do have a lot of questions... we'll go to new York, we'll leave next month, and you know kace and bylthe have their driving licenses..." aiden explained, trailing off.

"i'll have to ask my parents, or convince them. other then that that i guess im in, but why are you telling me this now? i mean, it's a month away." she explained.

"right but there's more, you did cut us off" the curly-haired teen explained

"yeah, you didn't let us finish. we're doing there to meet...drum roll please" the red-head exclaimed, looking at the two boys who stood next to her, they stared blankly back at her. she quietly huffed and continued.

"fine, no drum roll. we're going to see the cast of stranger things." she stated with monotone

"wait!what! why the heck didn't you lead with that, that's way better then some dumb road trip!" the small girl shouted

"alright, don't rain on my road trip!" kace jokingly stated.



aria lay on her bed as she let out a small squeal of excitement as she thought of the month to come, in her opinion 2019 is one of her best years so far. she continued to let out thousands of squeals before she was told to stop by her brother. she stopped but not before going into her group chat of her friends and thanking them.

(k.a.b.a 🥴)
juniper jupiter 💫, mcblythe 🤷‍♀️,  aidumb 🥴, acekace 🤩

juniper jupiter 💫✨: i just wanted to thank you guys for this road trip, meeting the cast and everything❤️

mcblythe🤷‍♀️: no problem babe, you deserve it.

acekace🤩: ofc you deserve this and you've been through hell for past couple days.

aidumb🥴: yeah and it doesn't have anything to do with the fact we want to see the cast too. pssst no. also who named this group can bc its dumb af

juniper jupiter : i made the name, it's not dumb asshole, it's cool.

aidumb🥴: i still say it's dumb

juniper jupiter: oh shut up


aria sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that day. she looked at her phone to see the time and put it down on the nightstand bedside her. she quickly made her way down the steps and into the kitchen to see her older brother.

"are you okay because you look like you've been through hell and back" kaden quipped

"no ass-munch, you know mason cheated on me and put all the blame on me, " she voiced

"i know, i know i just thought you were begging to feel better since blythe basically yelled at me when she put together the whole 'going to see the stranger things cast' thing" he soothed

"yeah it was helping for a bit but now i- i just feel down" she sighed once again

"weellll" kaden drawed out, " do you want to make some popcorn and watch love simon ?" he offered

aria small frown then turned into a large smile as she quickly hugged her brother before bouncing up the steps. "where are you going?" kaden chuckled
" to take a shower and change, duh!" she continued up the steps and found her phone going to her playlist. she stopped in her tracks as she read the notification from five minutes ago, her mouth going agape

@noahschnapp has requested to follow you

hope you enjoy this chapter!
                                      -xoxo jashiya

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