This was getting out of hands. The deaths are leaving patterns. They are killed by the things that lead to their happy ever after. I rubbed my face in frustration. This is not what was supposed to happen.

I turned around and saw an electric purple tail splashing in the water. I immediately brought out the water weed that helped humans breath in water. King Triton was very generous to lend some to me. I covered my bag with plastic and ate the weed.

I jumped in the water and swam towards the tail I saw. As I grew closer, I reached my hand out to grab it. Before I could touch it, a flash of light blinded me. By the time my eyes focused, I was alone. I swore under my breath and swam out. I pulled Ariel's body in the water and pushed it in the depth.

I cleaned myself up after swimming out and brought out the change of clothes. I looked back to the river and decided to jump back in again. Packing my bag properly, I jumped back in. I turned in the torch and made my way to the darkest part of it. I could definitely get some answers about Ariel's death from here. I saw the banished water creatures surviving here. They gave me odd looks and swam back to their work.

King Triton would banish anyone who did him wrong and those who cannot stay anywhere would come here. It was called The Dark Quarter. From merpeople to fishes, everyone stayed in harmony.

I swam to the only shop that could give me answers. Ursula's shop. She ran a pawn shop here. As I opened the door, the bell jingled making my presence known.

The sparky fish that I saw earlier made its appearance. It sneered at me and swam at me with speed. I swam away from its way and it bumped into the shelf. It swam back at me and I swam to the ceiling. It did not give up. I grabbed the nearest thing I could find to hit it. As it came near me, I swing the thing in my hand and it cut it into the half. I saw the thing to be a wire sword. I dropped it and rang the bell on the counter.

Ursula came outside the room and looked around at the mess I created. She shook her head and chuckled in her deep voice.

"How charming of you!"

Then laughed again.

"Did you see what I did there? I used your name and-"

"You used my name as an adjective. I got it." I rolled my eyes.


"Ursula, I think you know what just happened."

"Oh! Our little mermaid princess died."


"I had nothing to do with it. If that's what you came to ask me about."

"I know. But I am here to ask you few questions. Mind being honest with me?"

"Of course."

"Did you see who killed her?"

"What makes you think I saw?"

"You're a sea witch. You can see things."

"Yes. I do. And right now I'm seeing that you're being kicked out of the river."

"Ursula, I don't have time for your games. Give me something that would help my investigation or you'll be arrested and put behind the bars instead of being banished."

"Now now. No need to be so harsh on me. What will I get to help you?"

"Another lifetime or freedom."

She cackled. "I have it. I want something better."


"Ariel's necklace. I suppose you took it on the way here."

"Cursing her for life wasn't enough for you, was it?"

I placed the necklace on the table but still held on to it.

"First the answer, then the necklace."

She cleared her throat and closed her eyes. When she opened them, her eyes had turned dark and she became still. Her voice became deep and hypnotized.

"What you search is on the land. It can be small or large and grand. You need to fight smart than hard. It can be a foe or a great friend."

Her eyes turned back to normal.

"I hope you realize that cursing isn't the solution."

"At least I did not kill her. I had several chances. I could've even reversed the curse but I didn't."

I shut the door and swam out of the river. Drying myself, I wrote down the riddle she gave me. This might not end well but it's a risk I'm willing to take.


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