Doctor! Dabi x Reader

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"Don't worry! The kid woke up..." I confess with a wolffish grin, knowing my sarcasm isn't needed at this moment. Honestly, I feel as if it's a second quirk of mine. Albeit, I don't know how long I can continue standing. I sense my body shutting down quicker by the second.

"Oh god I'm so sorry! Emergency plea-"

"No need ma'am, I've got this one." An amused voice announces from behind. I turn my head to see a man with purplish scars and stitches across his body from what's not covered by a doctor's white coat. His dark hair ruffled up, and blazing blue eyes staring back at me. All in all, I hit a score! He's hot.

"Sweet, we'll then you can catch me..." I mumble and feel my body slip as I fall into his arms, and drift off into a haze.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

There are many things I'd loved to be awoken by, and my alarm is not one of them. In fact I'd rather not be forced to wake up as all. I let out another stricken groan, my body aching and numb in all sort of areas. Another hangover? Wait no- I snap open my eyes and glare around at whats in front of me. My watery eyes focus in and out of the stained white ceiling and enclosed curtains. Judging by my heart monitor, not an alarm, my supposed 'nightmare' was a reality.

"Where's the hot doctor?" I croakily question aloud, realising just how raspy my throat feels.

"Don't worry, your hot doctor didn't wonder off too far." A familiar voice announces. I turn my gaze towards the side of the room, noticing the veneer looking man from before.

"Huh... Afternoon doc." I greet, feeling colour flushing to my cheeks. Glancing at the name tag I see the word 'Dabi' etched upon it. Hmmm, I guess that name fits. Dabi chuckles and hands me a glass of water. I thank him and drink the water eagerly.

"It's actually 3:45 am. Lucky you darling, I was about to leave some water and head off home." He explains, placing his hands lazily in his pockets. A smirk still remaining as if it was like that since yesterday. Only then do I see how weary he actually appears.

"... Well you should probably go home then. I prefer my doctors well rested and fed." I reply with a drowsy grin, shifting uncomfortable from the mix of pain and numbness. I notice that I'm wearing a white hospital gown... great, and some strangers have seen me naked. That's not gonna leave my mind any time soon. With that thought, my mind clouds up before I can hear a vivid response from Dabi.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Damn alarm..." I grumble out, rubbing my eyes before revealing them to a piercing light. I curse and cover my eyes once more.

"That's not an alarm silly!" A giggly voice corrects, I slowly open my eyes cautiously.

"Toga!" I cheer, recognising my friend's familiar features.

"Y/N!" She mimics my cheer and throws her arms around me. I let out a yelp and hiss from the overly pressing pain. "Oopsie Sorry!" Toga apologies with a pleasant and innocent smile.

"It's okay. When did you get here?" I inquire, shifting my pillow up and moving my body to a sitting position with Toga's much provided help.

"Few minutes ago with Twice, I see you still don't fail to keep me waiting too long." She jokes with a laugh as she tilts her head at me. I chuckle and shake my head before letting her in on what happened.

"Wow, you sure kicked some ass huh?" She chortles, joining me in my cramped hospitalised bed.

"I was so bored! I came home and had no one to play with!" Toga pouts, hugging me more gently.

"Morning ladies, mind if I intrude?" Dabi appears once again, expressing the very same smirk.

"Ooooh! Is that the sexy doctor?" Toga questions, flickering her gaze between myself and Dabi. I half-heartedly glare at her for making me even more obvious of my attraction towards the man standing before us.

"Is would seem?" Dabi replies with a chuckle, eyeing me with a glint of amusement once again.

"I approve! I'll be back soon, I better tell Twice to get more food." She confirms with wink towards me, then lightly skipping away while humming a lullaby.

"... Don't even mention it." I demand with a groan, placing both hands on my face.

"Why not? As a doctor, part of my job is to know certain things about my patient." He teases, a hand lazily in one pocket with the other holding a clipboard. Over the past few days in this hospital my 'too good to be true' doctor has been entertaining me. This form of entertainment concluding a lot of teasing comments and winks from the both of us. Some would call it a game of chicken to see who would back down or ask the other one out first.

"Do you really require that 'certain' information?" I scoff, wincing as I cross my arms for the billionth time.

"Depends on whether you'd be interested on trying out a new open bar with me once you're free to go?" He casually offers, his blazing blue eyes gazing flirtatiously back at me.

"Now, how could I turn down an offer such as that?" I question back with a broad smile, excitement only growing with the more I look at him.

"Great, it's a date then." Dabi hums, sending me another wink before looking at his clipboard. This is going to be fun.

A/N - Ayy my first oneshot! I accept requests, however there will probably be very slow updates from time to time. Hope you enjoy these Oneshots, have a lovely day/night!

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