Chapter 17

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Ethan's pov
I woke up with y/n still in my arms, I looked at her face sleeping so calmly she's so beautiful I thought to myself I grabbed my phone and used when Grayson walked in
"Ethan my flight is in 3 hours we better get up"
"Y/n is still asleep"
"Not anymore" she woke up and rubbed her eyes
"Okay guys let me know when your ready to leave" he shut the door and went to the guest bedroom
"Should we get ready now?" She said sitting on top of me and holding my hands she's the best

-later after leaving Grayson
"Really gonna be weird without gray here" she said driving
"Yeah it really is but it won't be long before we see him"
"Yeah" she took my hand and held it in hers
"Do you want to have breakfast somewhere or at my house?" She said
"Eithers Fine" I said
"Ok let me think" she paused for the second "you like bagels?"
"Who doesn't"
"Bagels it is then we can go to this beautiful lake near my house"
"Sounds good" I said looking at her

-later at the lake-
Back to y/n pov
"I forgot how liberating it is when you're outside" she said crossing her feet and sitting down
"And it's even better cause I'm here with you" he said sitting beside me
"It really is" i pecked his lips
"Did I do this?" He said looking at my neck seeing something form on my neck
"Holy crap I guess you did" I laughed
"Y/n how are we gonna hide this from your parents" he said
"I'lol just put makeup over it, don't worry to much about it ethan" I said holding his face
"Your right lets just enjoy this moment right Now" he said putting his arm around me, I leaned on his shoulder
"I don't ever want to leave your side"
"I don't want you to leave either"

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