A Letter to a Girl

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It's amazing really, from the way we speak to each other, one would assume that we've known each other for years.

Yet, I've only known you for a while now. I'm astounded how easily we met, and how innocently we talk from time to


To tell you the truth, my heart has been rather frustrating lately. Many times have you tiptoed your way into my thoughts.

I'm easily distracted by the mention of your name. I smile at the mere thought of seeing you again. Inside of me, there's

a yearning to hear your voice.

I thought to myself, that this would never happen. That attraction was beyond me. I guess I was wrong, and your intervention

was quite clear. Many have asked me, is she more than a friend? Is she special to you? Naturally, I would have said no.

For so long I played the "lone wolf", someone who was not easily charmed or impressed. But I cannot lie to myself. It is true

when I say, that you are someone that I hold deep, sincere interest for.

I've kept myself away from such attractions for quite some time now and for good reason. From my earlier years, I have

done things that, I consider, should deserve death delivered by the hand of God himself. Thankfully, I was shown mercy

and forgiveness from those I hurt. But I was not left unscathed.

Since then I was left with a fear of closeness, of my own desires. A fear of love itself. I am graced just by having good

friendships with girls I know. And my friends know my heart, I still don't believe I deserve them. Though, I still remain

grateful for them anyway. But you have blessed me with something so pure and good. Something I could only only

compare with a young boy and girl, holding each others hand.

I was surprised. Even my own father was mystified by his son's confession. You are the first woman that I feel even a

slight affection for. And honestly, I hope it would be the last. This even has renewed my happiness, in the sense that my fear

is fading. And I am filled with thanks to God, because now I see that I have changed. My vision has been permanently altered.

When I see you, I have the heart of a poet. Some have said, that you are pretty in some ways, but compared to others, there

is nothing extraordinary. Maybe they might be right. But in my eyes, there are none more beautiful. I am careful with my words

when you are around, and I am cautious with my actions. I can't seem to stop myself from laughing when you laugh. When you

smile, a grin smoothly slips onto my face. I feel like a fool if I say something wrong when you are there. And it upsets me beyond

belief whenever you are in pain, upset or angry. And if I ever see you cry, I would have to fight to keep myself from crying with you.

All these emotions are so strange to me, mainly because I never opened myself up to them. And I'm not exaggerating if I ever

say this.

I love how close you are to your own family. They are all so kind and warm hearted, just as you are. I never really see much

of my own family, but your relatives make me feel like I belong. The love between your sister and cousins, is something I want

within my own. I see in you as one of great compassion and sensitivity. Some virtues that I obviously lack. I admire you're

ability to be blunt and honest. I love how share passions and artistic drives. Your way of thinking and understanding the

people around you is something I have come to love. I look forward to every event where I get to see you, there's never a dull

moment when we talk. More than anything, I've learned to appreciate you... just for being you. Which is something I am sure

divinity has instilled in me.

But to be honest, you may never surely know. You will never see hints or suggestions, nor any reason to believe how I feel

about you. I might not hug you as often as I do the other girl that I know. You might only get a compliment from me once in a

full blue moon. You might even see me as slightly uncomfortable whenever I'm around you. I'll probably make a fuss when you

ask me for something. In fact, I might even try to get away from you sometimes. Or as far as making you feel guilty for something

that isn't that serious. I might even do something I know you find irritating. but in all this, is just a simple boy trying to preserve

a good friendship, in hopes of it being something more in the years to come.

All this really is, is a release. A way of venting. My hopes are that you remain well, and that you remain you. Because it's

that simplicity that I find most beautiful. My dream is that one day, in the years to come, I'll have the courage to tell you this...

with a pure heart, and a love that I will learn in due time.

And if I'm lucky enough, and fate is smiling upon me, maybe you'll feel the same way too.

Sincerely, Gabriel

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