Chapter 2 (Edited)

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Lila (⬆Janes room)

When we approached the car, he opened the door for us and we hopped in. He got in too and started the car up. 

"If my rude sister hasn't told you yet, my name is Landon." He said keeping his eyes on the road.

"Oh shut up." Jane stuck her tongue out. Then he did the same in the rear view mirror. I couldn't help but envy their sibling love.

"No you shut up. The sound of your voice is gonna make the windows shatter." He said playfully. Jane's face got a little red. I laughed at her. Then her face got even more red. I watched out the window. We went down that long road. There is lush forest on either side of the road. We reached the end of the drive and my mouth dropped. There are six big houses surrounding one even bigger house in the middle. Jane must've noticed my confusion because she suddenly spoke up.

"These are private apartments. My mom owns them. We live in the main house." She pointed to the biggest house.

"That's why there are so many kids that get on the bus in the morning." I nodded.

 "Yep. Welcome to my humble abode." She said opening the door and getting out. I did the same. We walked up the front steps and she opened the door. I was in awe at the house. To the right there is a large living room with a huge T.v hanging on the wall. Then there is a small door way to the left that I assume leads to kitchen. Across from the door there is a stair case and a hallway to the right of it. She lead me to the stairs and we went up. We went up another flight of stairs. Her room is on the top/third floor. 

"This is really nice, Jane." I looked around. 

"Its not as great as you think when you have to live the thing downstairs." She said the last part loud enough for him to hear.

"I can hear you!" He yelled back.

"That's the point, numb nuts!" I stifled a laugh at her comment.

"Watch yourself Jane! I know where you sleep!" He sounded closer. We looked over the side of the stairs and he was on the first step.

"We live in the same house. I know where you sleep too." He gave a sinister smile.

"You have three seconds!" He yelled up. Ours eyes grew wide as he descended the steps slowly.

"Or what?" She asked dangerously. 

"I don't wanna know." I said to her.

"One." He called. We went up the rest of the stairs. He hopped up one flight. "Two." She started to walk to the left. We went down the hall and he was hot on our tail. "Three." Jane swung a door open and pulled me in. Then she slammed it shut. I heard foot steps outside the door.

"Your lucky you made it this time!" He called out out before leaving.

"What does he mean this time?" I asked setting my back pack down.

"Anything fighting related is fair game outside of our rooms." She said it so nonchalantly.

"You guys fight?" I sat down on the window seat. She sat on the love seat facing me.

"Only fist fights." She waved her hand dismissively then we both laughed. "Wanna play twenty questions?" 

"Sure I'll start. When's your birthday?" I said.

"October 19th 2005. You?"

"April 5th 2005. What's your middle name?" 

"Ashton. Yours?"

"Stephanie. How long has your mom owned the apartments?"

"Not for long. What your parents like?" Her question made me take a breath.

"I don't have any." I said carefully. "Well I mean I do obviously. But they left me with my Aunt when I was about four."

"Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry for asking. I didn't know." Her voice was so sad.

"No no, it's fine. I'm fine now. It's not my cross to bare."

"I'm still sorry for asking." There was a silence for a second. Then my stomach grumbled embarrassingly.

"Wanna get something to eat?" Jane laughed.

"I think that's best." We got up and on the way out of her room we took our shoes off. I noticed how slick the floors are. I decided to slide down the hall. Jane joined me. I almost slipped and fell, yet it was still fun. We made it down to the kitchen with only minor injuries.

"Man there's too many choices." Jane said searching the cabinets. I saw a plethora of food. When Jane pulled out some fruit snack's a woman walked in. She looked to be in her thirties. She also looked a bit frantic.

"Oh you must be Lila." She smiled widely.

"That's me. Thank you for opening your home to me."

"Oh I'm always happy to. My name is Delilah .Would you like to stay for dinner?"

"No no, I couldn't impose." I assured her.

"You wouldn't be a friend of Jane's is a friend of ours." Jane's groaned and sat on the counter.

"Just say yes so we can leave!" Jane laughed. I rolled my eyes and then smiled at her mother.

"I guess I could stay. Beth doesn't get off work for another couple of hours." Her mom clapped her hands and smiled.

"That's great. No go so I can start cooking." She soo'd us out of the kitchen. We ate fruit snack's and went back to her room. To pass the time, we continued to talked. That's all. Then when dinner was ready Landon came and got us. Delilah made us lemon pepper chicken with mashed potatoes and corn. She also made chocolate cake for desert. She was a wonderful cook.

"Did you have fun?" Beth asked when she picked me up later that night.

"Oh yeah. I can tell me and her are gonna be good friends." And ain't that the truth.

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