Snezzy x Reader

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(Y/n)'s POV

During a stressful day of failing at casting spells, I decided to go to the Enchanted Forest and sing. I really liked to sing in that forest because it's so peaceful and beautiful. As I was singing I heard someone sneeze behind me. " For the love of potions. Please tell me that wasn't a sneeze." I turned around hoping to not see who I thought it was.

" Um.. hello is anyone there"? I asked

"Heh heh hi (y/n)", said Snezzy.

Oh no, this is bad. this is bad. This is so bad. The person that was behind me was one of the cutest most handsome dwarfs in Jollywood, Snezzy.


"I'm s-sorry (Y/n). I w-was sleeping behind the bush and I-I heard someone singing and wanted to see who it was," he apologized.

Well if he did hear my singing then I might as well ask how it was.

"Well, then I guess I have to ask. How was it"?, I asked.

His face was all red when I asked. He might be embarrassed. Oh, why did I even asked?

"Oh, i-it was really beautiful. You should sing more often", he said while pulling his teal scarf. "Ya know Queen Delightful is holding a singing night tomorrow and auditions are open. You should audition maybe you might get in."

Wow, he's so helpful. No wonder I have the biggest crush on him.

"Well, the fellas are probably looking for me. You should think about it. See ya (y/n)".

"Bye Sn-Snezzy", I stuttered.

After he left I decided to fly my broom to Queen Delightful's castle to audition. She was surprised that I was there, so did many other people that were auditioning. I looked around to see strict judges sitting down in front of the stage. One by one people were being turned down by. I was starting to get so nervous but I decided to think of the person that advised me to do this. Snezzy. Once it was my turn I started to sing. I was expecting the judges to be disappointed, but they clapped and told me that I would be the one that will be singing at the show tomorrow night. I was ecstatic. Soon I flew to my house and came home to my crystal ball.

"Well, you're in a good mood. What happened?", she asked.

"Well I was singing in the Enchanted Forest, and I heard a sneeze behind me. It was Snezzy. I got a little nervous but he told me that my singing was beautiful. He even told me that I should audition for the singing show tomorrow night. So I went to audition and I got in. This is the happiest day of my life", I yelled.

"Hey I got an idea", I said.

I reached for the can phone and picked it up. I decided to call Happy. The rest of the dwarfs knew that I had a crush on Snezzy, but Happy gave me the best advice.

"Hi Hello (Y/n) how do you doodly do"? he asked

"Amazing Happy. I auditioned for the singing night for tomorrow and got in, which brings me to what I called you. I was wondering if all of you guys are going tomorrow."

"Of course. We wouldn't miss it for the world. I'll tell the fellas that you're singing."

" WAIT! Just don't tell Snezzy okay. I want it to be a surprise.

"Oh okay then well see ya (Y/n)".

"Bye Happy".

"What are you going to do now", Crystal asked.

"Well. I'm going to make a flirting potion for the show tomorrow. If I'm going to sing I might as well flirt with him. I read it in a magazine while getting some coffee."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2019 ⏰

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