38. Death PACT create a hot new fanclub

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Liy, Remote, TheSnitchyTwink and Tree are online

Liy: damn, I really need a girlfriend

Remote: me too

Liy: need a cute soft girl to spoon

Remote: and to watch 700 hours of Netflix with

Liy: god yes

Liy: and I'd kill for someone I can make pancakes for after absolutely railing her the night before

TheSnitchyTwink: steady on

Remote: no lesbiano no opiniono

Liy: agree

Remote: and get called cute nicknames like sugar

Liy: or honey

Remote: 200g flour

Liy: 4 eggs

Remote: preheat to 200 Celsius

Liy: bake for half an hour

Tree: Pen, whatever you do don't put that in the oven "just to if it makes something edible"

TheSnitchyTwink: dangit

Remote: my gf can call me megatron 3000

Liy: want gf to feed me cereal

Remote: need a hottie to eat fistfuls of tabloid newspapers with xxx

Liy: so relatable

Liy: and to clean your shoes like the slave she is

Remote: there's no way I'd ever clean your nasty-ass shoes

Liy: what

Remote: oh

Remote: left my clothes in the dishwasher too long oh no they'll burn if I don't get them out now hahaha bye

Remote is offline

TheSnitchyTwink: HOOOOOLY CRAP

TheSnitchyTwink: SHGFFGHDFG

Tree: hmm.

Liy: shit, I don't like where this is headed

Liy: or do I


Pillow is online

Tree: pillow, welcome to gay hell


Pillow: what has Liy/Remote done now

TheSnitchyTwink: so you know how they're basically dating

Pillow: yeah what about it

Liy: we're not!

Tree: we're used to italics now they don't affect us

Pillow: did Remote ask her out?

TheSnitchyTwink: no, but we think she should

Liy: just because you say two people should be together doesn't make them automatically a couple

TheSnitchyTwink: somebody's clearly never been in a fandom before!

Pillow: can we found a official Liymote Fanclub???

TheSnitchyTwink: YES

TheSnitchyTwink: CAN I JOIN

Tree: fucking nerds

Pillow: Liymote Fanclub now exists at a grand total of 2 members

Liy: I don't like this.

TheSnitchyTwink: let's host a convention

Tree: LiymoteCon 2019

Liy: I really don't like this

Liy: can I join

Pillow: Liymote Fanclub now has 3 members.

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