Garfield x Jon lasagna fic pt.2

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“Garfield, what are you doing?” Jon screamed as his cat tied his naked body down to his bed. Garfield was silent and resolute. All he showed was a lustful, twisted grin. “Garfield, what the hell is this all about? Is this about Linda?” At the mention of that name, Garfield’s eyes flickered. His grin transformed. Grimacing, he stared Jon in the eye. “I’ll be back in an hour, Jonathan.” Garfield pulled the final restraint taut and turned for the door. Watching him leave, Jon’s panic transformed into searing anger. It was about Linda. It always had been about Linda. The door clicked shut and Jon was left in near-complete darkness.

Jon had met Linda a while back in his family’s restaurant, Arby’s. She was ordering a roast beef sandwich, like the majority of the people that ate there. There was something in her lax, good-natured homeliness that contrasted his relationship with Garfield. His heart wanted something more traditional. He hated to say it, but he was turning out just like his father. But in other ways, he was also more grown up now. He had just reached his thirtieth birthday and he was still fucking his cat. Linda was the maturity Jonathan needed. And hey, maybe they’d even have kids one day. They could at least slightly resemble the old nuclear family model
he’d always identified himself with. He hadn’t realized that his proximity to Linda had increased dramatically. She turned around to confront him, and immediately got lost in his brown eyes. It was almost like their simple, everyday nature had made them perfect for each other.
“Sorry for bumping into you, let me make it up to you by covering your bill.”
“Oh, it’s really nothing… thank you,” she blushed.
“So what stands out on the menu?” He asked her, his face flushing a little bit, too.
“Well, I usually always just go with the Roast Beef Classic.” She mumbled
“Sounds good,” Jon said
The waiter came to their table, “What would you fine folks like today?” He asked.
“Just a couple of Roast Beef Classics, one for me and one for the lady.” Jon said.
The sound of a lock clicking and door opening filled the room, as Jon led Linda inside his humble apartment. They had both had a little bit to drink after their dinner at Arby’s and stumbled through the door. Garfield had been waiting up for Jon on the couch and watched, stunned, as that woman followed his lover into the bedroom. The lock clicked behind them, Jon’s tie hung loosely on the knob. How could he have just walked straight past him like that, as if it was no big deal. Had he forgotten everything they’d done together? Garfield knew that he would be willing to do anything and everything to destroy this ‘relationship.’
A month had passed and Linda was still coming home with Jon. The little ball of envy swelled inside Garfield; it consumed him like he’d once consumed lasagna from Jon’s ass. Reminiscing about those days made Garfield more determined to destroy this relationship. It was toxic to him, sure, but mostly to Jon. She had wormed her way into Jon’s mind, destroying the intimacy they had once shared.
He sat up, late nights, listening to their chatter. “Yeah… Phineas is a really nice name for a baby,” said Linda. This was too far. He had tolerated Linda for this long, but the idea of Jon’s precious sperm impregnating Linda and not him was the final straw.
    Jon had thought little of Garfield this whole time. He reasoned that Garfield wouldn't mind too much. Their butt stuff never actually meant that much, right? He was with Linda, so Garfield would be able to pursue a serious, more species-appropriate relationship. What they had had was fun, but it was time for he and Garfield to move on.
    Jon felt like he was ready to settle down with Linda at this point, she had moved in and they were ready to start a family together.
    On the night of their one-year anniversary, they decided to try for a child. Jon had gently lain Linda on the couch for their exciting night of sensual lovemaking. Both of them were a little past tipsy, not noticing Garfield right there on the cabinet, watching, with his tail swaying back and forth like the pendulum on the old grandfather clock. It was only a matter of time now.

    Jon was snapped out of his reminiscence by the sound of the door creaking open. Light flooded into the room. Garfield's silhouette stood motionless in the outline of the door.
He smelled lasagna.
    Fear coursed through his veins, he knew exactly what was going to happen tonight. This wasn’t what he wanted. Those days were behind him now-to Jon, Garfield was only his cat. Not his lover.
Garfield’s paws started to pat  the carpet one by one. Every step took him closer. The smell of lasagna filled his nostrils. Garfield was ecstatic, he got closer and closer until he stopped just before the bed.
Jon didn't reply.
“Jon, do you remember our first time together?”
Of course, what Jon did was unforgettable. No matter how hard he had tried to erase it from his memory, no matter how much he scrubbed, the memories of his cat consuming lasagna from his rectum mocked him. A constant reminder of his failure as a human being.
Jon kept quiet. Only the smell of lasagna filled the room.
“It’s been too long, Jonathan. Too long that I've had to watch and wait in the shadows.”
Jon didn't know what to say. A million thoughts and explanations flew through his head. He picked one and opened his mouth, but he couldn't get anything out before he felt hot, slimy lasagna plunging into his anus.
    This was his fault, he was the one that started all of this. He wished he could travel back in time to stop what he had done. However it was impossible and now he had to face his consequences.
Garfield repeatedly fisted his anus with lasagna, one by one. It was rhythmic, it was like clockwork. No matter how desperately Jon wanted to turn back the clock, it marched onward. Jon struggled, desperately trying to stop these despicable actions that his cat was committing.
“Well, Jon. That's the whole tray. I can’t believe you could fit all of that into your tight hole, you slut. This should be fun.”
Jon could feel his anus being forced open by Garfield's claws. He contorted in pain. He felt his cat's head squeezing through his anal passage. Jon screamed out in pain, tears dripped from his eyes. He closed them and imagined that this was Linda, and not his cat. It almost worked. Almost. But Linda was too sweet and gentle to ever commit such a sin.
Garfield slipped into his anus much easier than he used to. For the first time in his life, Garfield was gaunt. He hadn't eaten much since Linda started coming over, but tonight he was treating himself to a full meal and a half.(The meal was Jon, and the half was the lasagna of course.) The slurping sounds from Garfield inside of him eating the lasagna was haunting. He could feel Garfield's rough tongue against the inside of his ass.
    Garfield was living for this moment, it is all the he could have asked for. Of course he would have been more pleased if Jon was enjoying this as much as he was, however beggars can’t be choosers. Garfield hated that Jon was uncomfortable with him in his anus, but he needed to teach him a lesson. Jon belonged to Garfield, and Garfield alone.
“Stop, Garfield! Please!” Jon cried out.
“You know I can’t do that, Jon. You need to learn your lesson.” He didn't even have the restraint to stop eating while he spoke. Garfield’s voice was muffled from being inside of Jon, and his mouth being full of lasagna.
Tears spewed out of Jon’s eyes like a fountain, if only this was Linda.
    Linda had knocked on the door to the bedroom, but nobody had heard due to the screams from Jon, and moans from Garfield. She jiggled the knob, only to realize that the door was locked. She knew something was wrong, and needed to save her lover from whatever torture was happening behind these doors. Fueled by adrenaline, Linda used her brute strength to bust down the door. But nothing could prepare Linda for what she saw. She felt as though she was going to puke.
“Linda… please! You have… to remove him!” Jon whimpered.
Garfield heard Jon’s weak voice, and knew he didn’t have much time left. Garfield scrambled to finish the rest of the lasagna. He dug his claws into Jon, but he knew it wouldn't be enough to stop Linda's strength.
Tears welled up in Linda’s eyes, she knew what she must do.
She sprinted the length of the room and forcefully plunged her fist into Jon’s sweet cavity. Her muscular fingers wrapped around Garfield’s windpipe. She yanked him out with such force that Jon cried out in agony. Now she was staring the little bastard straight in the saucy, shit-covered face, and Garfield stared right back..
“What are you going to do, bitch, kill me? What will that accomplish?” He asked with a deep and haunting voice.
“Why shouldn’t I?” She asks seething with anger
“It won’t change a fucking thing, Linda. It won't change one fucking thing. You can have him. I’ve already won, and there’s nothing you can do about it, you whore!” He roared.
“Fine, you bastard,” she said, and she snapped his little neck and dropped him, lifeless, to the floor.

Sitting in the light blue colored office Jon cries, this has gone on for months now. Every Tuesday from 5 to 6 Jon sits in this office and relives his past. Linda had left, not being able to deal with the trauma. Jon understood. He could never start a family now. He was ruined. Linda went off on her own to start a family with a husband and two little boys and a girl. She had used the name Phineas, the one he had came up with, and in some sort of twisted way Jon was grateful. He knew that things with her wouldn’t last after the event, but he was happy that she still thought of him when naming her son. He walked out of the office and back to his new place. He couldn’t stay in the old one, not after what had happened. On the walk home he pulled out a notebook and wrote. Today was the day he would finally do it. Everywhere he turned, he thought he saw Garfield in the shadows.
He walked into his house and locked his door. He went up to his room and grabbed his gun. He had told himself he bought it because of the paranoia, but he knew what he really had needed it for. He could never get Garfield out of his mind. He grabbed the gun and loaded it. Finishing his note he sat down and put the barrel to his skull.
He could no longer smell the lasagna.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2019 ⏰

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