Chapter 7

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Hey, babies.

When I update this, I will publish the story that will be written after this, but it’s only coming soon yet. It’s “I Just Wish For You To Come Back To Me” and I changed it into a short story and differently than I planned it out first. Maybe check it out.

This is already chapter seven. Oh my god. One more chapter and an epilogue only.

I’m starting to call my best friend windfall …

And he’s okay with that.

Anyways, enjoy!

Louis lost track of time. He had been passed out for a long time and when he woke up, he felt even weaker. His skin and muscles were burning, his wings stinging and his sight was blurry.

The cloud had red spots on it, but Louis had sunken so far into it that he was almost completely covered. Maybe it was good. No Angels that would want to kill him could find him that way.

He didn’t know how long he was passed out or how long he was awake, but he fell into darkness soon after, trying to ignore his hurting body.

He woke up again, so weak. Maybe he would die before he could warn Harry. He would never forgive himself if something happened to his Angel.

His wings were lying limply over him, clouds covering the black and crusty red feathers. Dried blood and deep slashes littered Louis’ wings and skin, as well as a lot of bruises. He lay on his stomach, arms folded under his head. Breathing hurt his chest and ribcage. His mouth tasted metallic from the blood of his split lip.

The bruise around his left eye hurt so much now that he couldn’t open it and when Louis tried to move a bit, his whole body screamed in protest and he let out a dry sob of pain.

He should’ve been born as an Angel but fate messed up. If just everything went right back then, maybe Louis would’ve been signed up as Harry’s rightful mate and they could be together, helping people and he wouldn’t lie here half dead.

“Harry …” he whispered. At least he thought it was him. The voice was small and weak, soundless and hoarse. Completely broken and shattered. He didn’t sound like himself. A horrible sounding cough left his dry throat and it hurt so badly. A tear slipped out from underneath his eyelids. He couldn’t keep his eyes open too long, the light was hurting them.

When he opened his eyes again, his sight wasn’t any less blurry, but he thought to see a silhouette. He raised his head slightly, dry, chapped lips parted as his eyes squinted weakly.

The silhouette came closer and Louis saw white clothing, huge white wings that looked like someone threw silver dust over the tops. Curly hair came into his view.

“Harry?” he croaked weakly.

The silhouette came in clearer and yes, his Harry. It was him. Louis smiled and so did Harry, slowly reaching out to touch Louis.

Louis raised his hand to take Harry’s, but just when he touched the Angel’s fingers, he reached through him and Harry crumbled to dust. Tears leaked out of Louis’ eyes again. Harry wasn’t here. He was alone and would probably die before having the chance to meet Harry again.

Don’t cry, my beautiful Demon,” a soft voice whispered.

“Harry?” Louis whispered, closed eyes and falling away again. “Where are you?”

I’m here,” the voice said and it was the last thing Louis heard before he fell back into lonely, cold darkness.

~Later that day in Heaven~

My Piece Of Heaven (Larry Stylinson AU Angel!Harry Demon!Louis)Where stories live. Discover now