3 - two girls

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Two months in captivity

My body wasn't a part of me. The constant waves of torture I had faced for the past few months had made me lose all control of my body. My arms, legs it didn't matter. Ever part of me was shaking uncontrollably. I didn't cry. Not anymore. I had cried all the tears I had a long time ago. Most i could do is wail like a helpless child who was beaten for the first time ever for misbehaving. I was so weak inside. My mind was fragile. Sometimes I'd get a sudden burst of joy and laugh with no meaning for hours. Sometimes I would start singing without reason. Sometimes i would scream out of fear as an image of the man standing over me would appear in my mind, even tho i was completely alone. My mental state was deteriorating. I always thought to myself that If I ever got kidnapped I'd stay sane and it wouldn't break me. But i just found that hilarious now. Everyday I prayed that the door wouldn't open. That he wouldn't come in. To no avail. He came, every night, and took pleasure in hurting me.
"Why do u do this?" I asked him once. He looked at me with a blank expression.
"Because I do. Don't question me or it'll be worse,"
"Your not normal... You must have the psycho gene," The man grit his teeth and looked directly into the light bulb which hung from the ceiling.
"I was normal once. I had a beautiful girl, her name was Vanessa. One day she was out with her mummy around town. And then she lost her. We searched for a few days until we found her dead body washed up by the side of the Thames. That broke me."
"So the grief of losing your daughter pushed you to the edge, and you became a psycho?" The man looked me deep in the eye, looking me far into my broken and battered soul.
"It's a good theory you got there Ollie. Too bad it's wrong. I never experience one of those "psycho triggers" are they're called. I never turned into one of those freaks. No no, I started to kidnap people because I wanted a new baby girl again. But after a while I wanted to make them suffer. Like my little Vanessa did..." I stared bewildered. 
"How is that fair?! You shouldn't-" the man's big hand squeezed around my neck, stopping me from saying anything more. I choked.
"Shut up! You don't question me you here?" I tried to answer but all that came out was a gagging splutter as I couldn't utter a single word. The man's grip around my neck was too strong. The man's eyes looked vicious and he squeezed my neck even harder.
"Do you understand?!" He shouted, spitting in my face. I nodded frantically and he let me go. Since then I never dared to speak to him again. He did lose his daughter which was sad. But I didn't pity him. Who would? God, even if he wasn't a psycho, the difference between them and him was none existent. The way he spoke about his past victims. The piercing stare he gave me.  It made me try to escape once. I rocked myself in the chair and tried to get loose from my chains. But the ruckus seemed to be louder than I expected because I heard the man's footsteps pounding down the stairs outside the room. I tried to stop rocking. But at that point I fell to the side and lost my balance. I was lying on my side. When the man burst into the room and saw me he lunged at me.
"You were trying to escape weren't you?! That's not how we play around here Ollie. I'll show you what happens with those who try to escape!" He pulled me up of the floor and sat me up. He went over and grabbed a metal rod and an electric battery. He clipped the battery to the metal rod.
"No No please! I'm sorry! I won't do it again! No please! STOP!" I screamed as he shoved the metal rod in between my teeth. I wanted to slit it out but he held his knife to my throat.
"I'M GOING TO BURN THE IDEA OUT OF YOUR BRAIN!" He howled and activated the battery. My screams and his laughter mixed into a horrible choir of sound as I started to suffer an electric shock. The man was messing with me, constantly increasing the voltage to make me scream even louder. That was the day I lost control of my limbs.
"Hello Ollie... Did u miss me?"

The man stood over me. As much as I tried to move my head to look at him I just couldn't. My neck wouldn't respond. But for some reason he didn't seem to care.
"You know, I think I've been to harsh on you over these 2 months," my eyes widened. Was my salvation in reach? No... this was just another trick to lure me into a sense of false comfort. But still if there was a chance of freedom I'd take it. Whimpering I said.
"You're... not going to hurt me?" The man smiled.
"That's right. I won't hurt you today," and moved away to the door. But then he turned around and looked at me.
"Before I go though, I need to ask you something," Saying this he pulled out two bags I hadn't noticed before. The man opened them and reached in. What he took out stopped the blood circulation in my veins. He took out two girls, both who looked about my age tied up and crying their eyes out. Their mouths were covered. The man came up to me and whispered.
"Which one of them should I kill?" Those words echoed in my ear drums. I knew it was too good to be true. He was gonna torture me. Not physically but psychologically. With as much strength as I could I turned my head to him.
"No way! If I choose it's as good as if I killed them myself!"
"But I'm the one doing the killing. You just have to choose for me. Choose one and I'll spare the other. Don't choose... and I'll kill them both!" He then grabbed me by the head and made me look at the girls. "Now choose!" I looked from one girl to another. Both were twisting on the floor trying to free themselves. Both were looking at me with desperation. They were scared. Not because of the situation. They were scared because they could see the uncertainty in my eyes. I was finding it difficult to breath. My insides were twisting like if I was on a boat, making me want to throw up. I remained silent for the next minute or so. The man, getting impatient, punched me in the face and walked over to the girls.
"You're weak. IT'S NOT THAT HARD!" Before I could blink he grabbed the girl to his right. The girl let out a muffled scream as the man dragged her by her hair. He pulled her to a table and laid her on it. He then grabbed his knife and pointed it to her chest. The girl turned to me with so much fear in her eyes. They were begin for help. I didn't want her to die. But I didn't want to kill the other one too. The man looked at me.
"SO WHAT'S IT GONNA BE OLLIE? YOU CAN STILL SAVE HER? JUST SAY THE WORD!" The girl started shaking even more frantically. The other girl started crying. And I just sat there in silence... A pathetic whelp was the only sound i could make. The knife was touching her skin now.
"LAST CHANCE OLLIE! WILL YOU SAVE HER?!" I continued to stare in silence wearing my fear on my face. The girl was shaking so much, the cloth covering her mouth came loose. She looked at me and let out a soul shaking cry.
"HELP ME!!!!!" What followed was the girls shrieks as the man plunged his knife into her chest. And then he stabbed her again. And again. And again. And Again. AND AGAIN. AND AGAIN! AND AGAIN! I watched the girls eyes as he stabbed her. I saw the life drain out of them with every stab that came. My head sunk down and I stared into the floor. The man moved away from the girls dead corpse and looked at me.
"Look at the mess you've made. That's not very good. But I guess if we came this far you might as well kill your other victim," the man turned towards the remaining girl. Managing to lift my head I said.
"NO! Let her go! You said you'd only kill one!"
"That's right. But I said I'd only kill one if you choose one for me but the thing is you didn't. So watch Oliver," he grabbed the girl and dragged her head towards me. We locked eyes for that moment.
"NOW LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID!" And  the man hit the girl on the head with a crowbar. She dropped to the side. And the man hit her on the head again. And again. AND AGAIN. AND AGAIN! AND AGAIN!
"NO! STOP PLEASE!" My eyes burned from the first tears I had truly cried since a long time ago. I shut my eyes. The sound of the metal hitting against the girls skull was one of the worst sounds I had ever heard. I began shouting at the top of my lungs. My heart couldn't hold it in any longer. I had to do something, anything to drown out that horrifying metal sound. The girl continued yelling in agonising pain. I yelled with her. My yelling eventually began to drown out hers. Her voice faded away. Quieter and quieter with each hit of the crowbar.

God... those poor two girls...

What have I done?

I could've saved one of them...

I could've...

Why did I not say anything?

I could've saved one of them...

I could've...

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