"Minny go on first we'll take a while before we finish"
April told Minny and Minny nodded and got up to get her things and put on a mask and told her members before leaving

"Be there on time!"
Minny shouted because her members are on different parts of the dorm and closed the door when she fully got out and headed towards the bus and was lucky no one noticed her when she entered

Amusement Park

She got out and saw that no one's there yet except Jisung. How did she know it's Jisung? Well she does have a crush on him so you notice details when you have a crush. She didn't want anyone knowing it's them so she called him by the nicknames the two of them only use

Minny spoke a bit louder and the boy looked ahead searching for the owner and locked eyes with Minny who smiled but looked away and stood up and walked closer to Minny, slightly blushing

Jisung stuttered and Minny looked at the boy in confusion

"Are you okay oppa? Are you sick?"
Minny put her hand on Jisung's forehead while the other was on her's and this made the poor boy blush ten times more

"Your not sick but your face is red, maybe from the heat?"
Minny told herself and a 'ding' sound erupted in the silence and it was the two maknae's phones

"You guys go ahead, it seems we're having a slight problem with something but we will try to fix it as soon as possible"
Minny read the message sent to her and Jisung looked at her in confusion

"Wait, you also got the same exact message?"
Jisung asked and Minny scrunched her eyebrows together

"The same? This sounds suspicious..."
Minny said and shrugged her shoulders and put her phone back into her purse and wrapped her arms around Jisung feeling excited

"Let's go in!"
Minny exclaimed, pretty excited and dragged Jisung who only looked at her and chuckled and soon Minny let go of his hands which made Jisung pout already missing the action

"Why are you pouting? Is it because you want me to put my arms around your own~?"
Minny teased the older by a second which resulted in Jisung blushing at what she said and it made Minny laugh and look back ahead of where they are walking and just smile at the image of Jisung blushing while Jisung looked at her face and the clothes she wore. Light blue pants, white converse, yellow t-shirt, and a jacket over her t-shirt and smiled to himself thinking she looks really beautiful and looks at where they are walking. Minny looked at Jisung examining his face and then his clothes. Dark blue pants, red with white highlights converse, and a red sweater and smiled to herself thinking he looks handsome and cute at the same time

"Minny let's go there"
Jisung said pointing to a cotton candy stall which Minny nodded excitedly, being the sweets lover she is

"May we have two cotton candy please?"
Jisung ordered and got his wallet while Minny got a hold of the cotton candy and ate hers while she handed Jisung's after he had paid for their cotton candy and sat down on a bench

"What was one of your favorite memories of eating sweets?"
Jisung asked Minny who looked at him and searched for the memory

"It was when we were celebrating our uncle's birthday and there was cotton candy in three different colors blue, pink, and green and you can eat it again and again without any limit and I was so happy"
Minny told him the memory and smiled hearing one of her best memory of sweets

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