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Beyoncé (Point Of View)

Walking into the Hallway of Kinder High-school for the Performing and Visual Arts was not something you wanted to do. You could see half the kids was rude, I sighed my senior year was about to be a hot mess.

I walked into the office to grab my schedule:

-Music theory
-Spanish ll
-Lunch B
-Vocal Class
-Free period

As I grabbed my schedule examining it I turn on my heels looking for my first class. I hate that I had to leave my other school I was known there, I finally find my first class taking a deep breath before walking in.

Entering the classroom the room was quiet, I felt all eyes on me as I walked to the closes desk I could find.

"Hello Class! Welcome back from Summer Break, I hope you all had a great summer. Now for everyone who don't know me I'm Mrs.Veranda or Mrs. V for short." She says and smiles

I could tell I was going to like her something about her seemed amazing maybe the way she carried herself or talked. She looked to be in her mid 30's or a bit older.

"Ok Class, Would anyone new like to introduce themselves?" She ask cheerfully

A girl raise her hand excitedly

"Hey guys!" She waves happily "I'm Jazmine Gardner, I went to Dayal High- School. I'm 17 years old and I'm a vocal major." She says cheesing extra hard

Another girl raises her hand...

"What's the deal" She says softly "My name is Serenade, I came from Detroit Michigan I'm 18 years old and I'm a chill girl," She says with a calm tone taking a seat right after

She was a pretty girl, She looked as tho she didn't cared what anyone thought about her she dressed as a tomboy and had pretty dimples.

"Anyone else?" The teacher ask with a raised eyebrow

I slowly raised my hand in the air

"Ok um I'm Beyoncé" I say shyly " I love Popeyes, Especially they biscuits." I say causing the class to laugh a bit. "I'm 17 and I came from Elsik High school and I'm a vocal Major." I say taking a seat

**End of the Day

I walk out the school happy the day was over and I could finally go home and rest. I was glad the teachers assigned no homework.

Walking to my car I see a guy coming up to me.

"Wassup Ma." He says
"Hey..." I say looking at him confused "Do I know you?" I ask
"Nah Ma but I'm trynna get to know you." He says with a smirk
"Oh really?" I say
"Yea." He says
"Well, I'm not trynna get to know you." I say walking around him

I reach my car throwing my school bag to the passenger seat I shut my door and sped off. It was a nice mini size car I loved this car because it been threw everything with me my first boyfriend my first heart break.

I pull into my driveway seeing no one was home.

Great another night to cherish alone

I walk into the kitchen and see my mom left a note on the counter:
   Be back Sunday I hope you had a good day at school!
Your sister is at a friends house till I come back be good baby!
Mama loves you!

It was only Monday.. I sighed walking towards my room. I drop my bag from my shoulder and sit on my bed. It's gone be a long week.

-So what do y'all think of the first chapter?

I hope you enjoyed it!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2019 ⏰

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