Number Forty One

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Guess who's back? Back again with a double update.! I hope you enjoy

QOTC: Have you checked out 'Forever & Always' as yet?? I promise to not disappoint, after reading this chapter please do have a look at it. It's a Shawn Mendes short story based of Gemma and him from this book, so basically a spin-off.

N.B. Do make sure you read Chapter 40 before this.

• Chapter Forty One •

"Has anything been stolen?" The police officer questioned, I shook my head "Not that I know of" He nodded, writing something down in a small notepad. "Do you know of anyone that would want to harm you or your family?" He further questioned and I shook my head again "Well, we suggest you stay over at a relative or another friend's house until everything is sorted out here" the officer sighed and I thanked him before going back to Tash, my body was still shaken up but I used all my willpower to be stronger for her right now.

She jumped when I touched her shoulder, "It's me" I assured her and she pulled me down, next to her and I wrapped my arms around her shivering frame. After Tash walked in, I gathered my wits and immediately called the police. They did their interrogation followed by searching the whole apartment. Nothing had seemed to be missing except for furniture that shouldn't be in the places they are - thrown across the room.

"Oh my god, what happened?" I internally sighed upon hearing that voice "Like you don't know" I accused "I swear, I don't. Did you get robbed? Are you okay?" Cole stepped into my apartment and I stood from my seat "I don't want you inside my apartment. Leave" I held my stance even though tears threatened at the edges of my eyes "I'm not leaving until I make sure you're okay" he stepped further in and I held my hand up to stop him "We're fine on our own. Please, just leave" I stared at him in the eye, nearly begging at this point. I really don't want to deal with Cole right now while my sister sits, shivering, and I can barely make sense of what's going on.

"Fine," he sighed defeatedly, taking a step back out my apartment "Just know, I'll be across the hall" I meekly nodded as I then shut the door on his face, leaning my back against it. "An, what's going to happen now?" Tash asked in a small voice and I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat "I don't know," I started ", but pack whatever clothing you can and we'll stay in a hotel tonight" I walked towards her, rubbing her arm before heading to my room with hope of finding a piece of my clothing that isn't torn or shredded into tiny threads. 

Grabbing a few sweatpants and hoodies, I stuffed them into a bag along with a couple tank tops. A few minutes later, the both of us were sat in my car as I drove towards the nearest hotel. "What is he doing here?" I glanced over at my sister who looked down, fiddling with her fingers before peering up at Harry who stood at the entrance of the hotel, waiting for me to get out of my car. "I called him" she answered and I whipped my head towards her "Why?" She sighed "Because you need someone, you need his shoulder to lean on"

"I have you" I reasoned "Yeah you do but I'm not the support system you need right now after you just witnessed everything you've earned for all your hardwork being torn apart" she shot back and I raised my eyebrows in surprise "What makes you think that Harry is the one I want right now?" I asked, softly "You do and don't even lie to yourself. I see the way he looks at you and as cliché as that sounds, he treasures every feature of yours. He loves you, An and don't even deny it because you do too" she grasped my hand in hers, squeezing it before getting out the car, I followed suit.

Her words rung in my head as I took small steps to the entrance of the hotel, our luggage was already being taken in by a bell hop only to be stopped by Harry who directed the bell hop to his Rover. Harry doesn't love me, he just likes me. He likes the thought of us, will this last? Will whatever we have go on to be something new, something bigger and greater, something more soul wrenching? All of this has made me so disorientated that I didn't even notice Harry wrapping me in his strong arms, his musky scent engulfed my senses being an instant wake up call as the clouds vanished from my mind and I came back to reality.

"Babe, are you okay?" Harry said for the fifth time "Huh? Oh, I'm fine just a bit shocked and scared, maybe" I answered in uncertainty "I'll find out who did this, for now you're going to stay at my house and I'm sure Noah will be thrilled to see you" As I thought of Noah, my mind went back to the conversation I had with Gemma and the things she said about Harry opening up to someone, to me. All these thoughts made my mind so fuzzy that when my body jerked forward, I realised where I was. Harry's arm reached out towards me, stopping my body from being hurled out the windscreen.

"Thanks" I breathlessly said, my heart thumped harder and louder in my chest at the near death experience. "Just buckle your seatbelt, love" Harry said, wide eyed and I noticed a glint of concern in the iris of his green eyes. Within minutes, Harry swerved through traffic and drove up his driveway, the valet grabbed our luggages and took them inside the house. Tash followed them while I sat in my seat, quietly and lost in thought. "Hey, it's going to be okay" a warm hand was placed over mine, our fingers lacing together.

"How do you know that? Harry, everything I've worked for, my whole life was just torn apart by god knows who and it left me so shaken up that I can't even decipher what I'm doing. I studied hard to be where I am today, I worked part time jobs at stores and restaurants, I painted and did photoshoots of little events just so I could earn my own money. Now, it's all ruined, what did I do to deserve that?" My voice broke at end, hysterical sobs left my mouth as hot tears formed a stream down my cheeks. Harry pulled me onto his lap as I hid my face in my hands, leaning into his chest while we sat in the driver's seat of his Rover.

"You're right, you didn't deserve that" he whispered with his lips pressed against my temple. "I will find out who did this, Anna. I promise" Harry sternly said, his voice was full of sincerity and compassion. "Let's go inside now, yeah?" He rubbed my back, heat radiating off his large palm and I nodded as I wiped my cheeks before moving off his lap. We entered the house to hear a bout of laughter bouncing off the walls, I looked at Harry with furrowed brows and we walked towards the kitchen. "Finally, they're here" Louis' boisterous voice was heard and I mustered a small smile.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry" Gemma walked around the island, pulling me into a hug "What did the police say? Did you get hurt?" Upon her last question, she held me at arms length and examined my face for any injuries "I'm fine, I got there when everything was broken. They said they will conduct further more investigations as nothing was stolen just vandalised" I explained and she nodded before handing me a piping hot cup of tea to which I was grateful for. My sister sat at the island, talking to Shawn and she held that starstruck look to her face.

I narrowed my eyes at them for a few more seconds until it finally sunk in as to who he is. Oh yes! Famous Canadian singer, Shawn Mendes. Tash absolutely adores him, she has - well had a poster of him on her room wall. She's a completely dedicated fan of his, I'm surprised she's still breathing right now. Gemma and Harry broke into a conversation while I quietly sat next to Tash on a barstool, various price tags floated my mind along with other expenses. Thankfully, some of the things will be handled by the insurance company but there's still that gnawing feeling inside of me that this isn't the first and last time.

So Anna and Harry, living under one roof with a mere wall separating them, I wonder what will happen? Have you any thoughts?

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All the love x

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