Chapter 14

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Newt needed a total of two days to rest, including the one he spent entirely asleep. The sickness had taken a lot out of him and it took much needed time and rest for the administered cure to completely destroy the virus. But (Y/N) was right there at his side to keep him company as he recovered.

She left for only a little bit on the second day when she was retrieving him lunch. Her plan was to avoid the others until she could come up with something to say to them but that plan was destroyed as soon as she ran into Thomas at dinner.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Thomas greeted her, albeit sheepishly like he was afraid of her lashing out at him (again).

She gave him a tightlipped smile. "Hi, Thomas." That would have been the end of their interaction had (Y/N) not worked up some courage. "Thomas, wait." She stopped him from walking away. "I need to apologize to you. What I did... it's unforgivable and I should never have blamed you for all of this."

"No, no, you're right," he agreed but (Y/N) stopped him again.

"No, I was wrong. You got us out of the maze, something that we had been trying for years to do and you finally did it. You saved us from Janson when we all thought he was there to help us and you brought Newt the cure he needed. I'm so sorry for what I did and I hope you can forgive me." She had tried to kill him after blaming him for every bad thing that had happened in the three years she could recall and she was wrong. All she could hope for now was that Thomas could forget this seeing as all of them were alive and safe in the Safe Haven.

Surprsing both parties, Thomas pulled the girl into a tight hug. It was fast so (Y/N) didn't even have time to hug him back when the dark haired boy pulled away. "I forgive you. I know how much Newt means to you so I can understand."

A beat of silence skipped over them before (Y/N) asked, "so we're good?"

Thomas smiled. "We're good."

After that, the two went their separate ways with their trays of food in their hands, each of them grinning from the fact that they had (probably) just became friends.

(Y/N) entered the tent silently but smiled when she saw Newt sitting up in the bed. He was in the process of changing into the fresh clothes the Right Arm provided him when he turned to look at her, eyes glancing down at the food.

"Is that for me, love?" The grin on his face didn't leave as he slipped on his jacket at the same time as she sat beside him on the bed. The silver tray was placed in his lap and he immediately went to work on eating the meal.

"I thought after you ate, we could go sightseeing," she offered, watching him devour the plate of chicken sandwiches and an array of fruit.

Since his mouth was full, the boy nodded. He truly was excited to see the place but his intake of food was rather scarce lately so he used this time to make up for it.

Newt finished eating only a few minutes later and was happy to leave the stuffy tent. His and (Y/N)'s hands were linked as they walked outside, Newt's breath instantly being stolen by the beautiful view before him. The ocean was a crystal blue, a color he had never seen before, and the sand was a light tan color which together made a perfect memory in his head of what an ideal beach would look like.

Running along the beach was a line of tents creating makeshift buildings and homes. From this angle, he could only make out one of them as a kitchen and the others as unknown. In the distance, however, he knew he saw a pavilion dedicated to hammocks; he assumed that's where he would sleep once he was cleared.

"Come on," (Y/N) nudged him when she saw how in awe he was. There was a ton to show him—the beach, the people, the kids, the memory block, the garage, etc.—so she needed him to keep moving. Thankfully, he followed her wherever she went.


Her "tour" ended just before the final celebration of the night. From what she was told so far, every night the Safe Haven wanted everyone to come together in something similar to a Gathering where the members could share stories. The kids could learn about the history of the elders in the camp and the adults can relay all of their knowledge onto the others around them. It was a beautiful thing fit for a beautiful place.

Newt was immediately greeted by all of his friends as him and his wife entered the area that resembled something of a stadium. One by one, his friends, both old and new, greeted him with a hug and a smile that told him how happy they were to see him. He thanked each and every one of them before sitting on the bench with his wife on one side and Minho on the other.

The talking amongst the group quieted once Vince approached. A small speech was given to the group before he turned the floor to the crowd, an elderly woman coming up first so she could retell the story of how her and her husband lived before the Flare. Nobody would ever admit it but the Gladers were brought to tears as they heard of a normal life they never got to live.

That night went on like that until a light's out was called and just like the maze, it was a designated time where everyone went to sleep. However, Newt and (Y/N) stayed back and watched all of their friends and new colleagues leave for the night until it was just the two of them.

Tonight was a rather beautiful night. The stars were shining brightly upon them and bounced wonderfully off the dark waters. The camp was peaceful now that it was completely empty and the only sound came from the crashing of the waves. There was a slight chill in the air but with jackets wrapped around each of them and Newt's arm tightly snaked around her waist, they hadn't even noticed.

"We made it," Newt spoke his thoughts aloud though not feeling an ounce of regret that he did. What he said was right; they had survived years of unfathomable obstacles and ended up in a place from their dreams. Albeit (Y/N) loved the Glade, this place was unarguably so much better.

Now the two could take their time to plan out a future that they never thought they would get. They were already married in their eyes but it was possible now to have a true wedding. They could start a family together and raise little ones of whom they could tell countless stories to about their escapades. They could have a life rid of fear, danger and the knowledge that they were trapped somewhere forever. They were free and they had made it to somewhere that made the last three and a half years' worth living.

And as (Y/N) and Newt sat there side by side, her head on his chest and his cheek pressed to the top of her head, they thanked WICKED for all that they had done because it all led them there, to their paradise. 

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