Chapter One-Horace

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Brushing the rain out of my eyes, I wonder why I forgot to bring an umbrella on my search. After all, If i am to find at least a small percentage of the people of the people who have died at this year's world fair, I will have to be able to see. Glancing at my watch, I am suprised to see that it is nearly 10:00. My search then shifts to finding a hotel that still has rooms availible.

Glancing around, I notice a pharmacy with a sign reading 'Rooms available'. Sighing with relief that my search won't last all night, I enter the pharmacy. I am greeted by a slightly dark, but cozy room. A man sitting at a typewriter greets me as I brush some of the rain off of my shoulder.

"Why hello sir! I am Henry Holmes, owner of this establishment, what can i do for you?"

Suprised by his cheerful outburst, I simply mutter,

"One room please."

As he shows me to my room I can't help but notice that there seems to be something off about this hotel. The hallways are small and cramped, there are very few lights, and the walls seem incredibly thick. The whole place makes me feel uneasy. I dismiss these feelings, the hotel must simply be an old building.

After Henry shows me to my room, I collapse on my bed, completely unaware what would be happening a few rooms over.

[A/N] Heyo! First chapter woot! You honestly have no clue at how long this took me to write though. Meh. Whatever. HOWEVER. Critique is DEFINITELY appreciated! oh, and have a good night! or day. whatever floats your boat.


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