Chapter 5

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Ezri POV
It's around 8pm
I'm packing a few clothes so that I can go out tonight. Daniel and I still aren't talking. It's going on 2 weeks and we've barely said more than 5 words to each other. I'm going out to the club with Ezri tonight. I'm not going to lie, I'm kind of nervous. The plan is to find a girl and bring her home, but I've never done that before... With a guy or girl. Julia isn't nervous at all though. She's so excited. She can't wait to do this. I don't want to spoil her happiness so I'm going to try my best to be happy too. Hopefully, with her, things will be ok. I can tell she really cares about me. She never makes me do something I'm uncomfortable with.

On another note, I think I'm falling for her, even though I know I shouldn't. I know we are just friends, but she's amazing. How could I not fall for her? We have out of this world sex, she's nice, and she's honest with me. What more could I want? I've thought about telling her how I feel a few times but I can never bring myself to say the words. I've been really close a few times too. I've even thought about saying it during sex a few times, but that would have been awkward. I don't know how she'll react. I don't think say she feels the same way, unfortunately. And if she does, what happens next? She'll never leave her boyfriend for me. I don't want my feelings to be crushed, so I've decided to keep it to myself. I will try my best to just start thinking of her as a friend.

I'm trying to figure out what to wear tonight. I think a tight dress and heels with be fine. I should also pack some pajamas because I definitely don't plan to come back here with Daniel tonight.

Once Ezri packs her bags she heads for the door without saying a word to Daniel and heads to her car. She drives to Julia's house and rings the doorbell. Julia answers almost instantly. She's wearing her underwear with her hair pinned up. Ezri assumes she's trying to get ready to go out

"I think that was the fastest you've ever answered baby" hahaha

"I know! I'm just so excited! I need your help! What should I wear? Which shoes? Hair up or down? Should I curl it or wear it straight?" Julia says very fast

Ezri pulls Julia close to her and kisses her neck. "Whoa, baby. Slow down. You always look gorgeous. Whatever you wear will be fine. But I'm sure we can find something. Let's go to the closet" 

The two go upstairs and start searching through Julia's closet. "Let me see what you're wearing baby" Julia says

Ezri pulls out her dress and shows it to Julia. It was a tight burgundy dress. It had a long v neck cut so her boobs would be out. There was also a high slit up the right leg.

"Ooouuuuuu that's so cute!!!"

"Thank you baby, now let's find something for you"

"I'll find something and model it for you. You tell me yes or no" Julia says

"Ok, that works. I'll go to the bathroom and get dressed. You can stay out here and pick the first dress. That way when I come out it's a surprise!"

"Ok cool!"

Ezri goes to the bathroom and slips on her dress over her push up bra and black thong. She looks in the mirror to adjust it and then walks back out into the bedroom.

As soon as Ezri laid eyes on Julia in that dress her mouth instantly dropped! She stood there, mouth wide open, and speechless for a good 15 seconds.

"What do u think? Julia said


Julia was wearing a tight black dress that hugged her in all the right places. There were two strings that crossed up her body. There was another part that crossed around her neck, leaving her stomach and belly button piercing exposed. Most of her boobs were showing and almost her entire back was out as well.

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