Getting into the ring, Lucy didn't bother to acknowledge her partner, either. The current deal was that Val acted like she wanted to befriend and team with Lucy, while Lucy was indifferent at best, and seemed to care only about getting her hands on Flair and Deville at any given opportunity.

Valentina proudly handed her title belt to the referee so that he could pass it out of the ring for safe keeping. With that done, her focus became talking strategy. "Lucy, I'll start the match, okay?" she said, loud enough for some of the crowd to hear. "Trust me, I've got this."

Looking down at her, Lucy barely registered a reaction. She simply turned and walked to their corner, stepping through the ropes. Some of the fans laughed at the interaction between the tall, unemotional woman and her small, bubbly partner. It was a dynamic that people definitely liked, which explained why every crowd they performed in front of urged Lucy to accept the team.

As was almost always the case, the heel team soon began to dominate. Working like the well oiled machine they had become in the ring, Flairville isolated and picked apart Valentina, with Lucy stuck out on the apron, unable to legally do anything about it.

As the minutes wore on, Valentina was grinded down more and more by the relentless Sonya and Charlotte. Eventually, the only way to stop Val losing to a Natural Selection was for Lucy to rush into the ring and stamp on Charlotte's back to break up the count.

With the fans cheering loudly merely because Lucy had done something, Sonya got into the ring to confront her. Before she could do anything, Lucy landed an uppercut that took Sonya clean off her feet.

Turning around, Lucy saw Charlotte getting up near to the ropes on the entrance side of the ring. Jogging across the ring, Lucy clotheslined Charlotte over the top rope to the floor.

Turning around again, Lucy found Sonya running towards her. Reacting quickly, she ducked down and used Sonya's momentum to send her out of the ring with a back body drop. Sonya landed on Charlotte, taking both of them out.

Roughed up from the ass kicking she had taken, Valentina unsteadily got to her feet. It took her a moment to realise that Sonya and Charlotte were outside the ring.

As Val looked at the two opponents, the fans suddenly realised what might possibly happen. Everyone could remember the way Lucy had thrown her out of the ring a few weeks earlier; there had been a multitude of memes and amusing tweets featuring gifs of the incident.

"Throw me at them!" Val shouted at Lucy, receiving a loud cheer of approval.

Lucy just stood there, looking at Valentina as if she was an idiot.

Not to be deterred, Val repeated her suggestion, this time by running towards the ropes and making a throwing gesture.

The noise from the crowd got even louder, trying to encourage Lucy to do what was being asked of her.

Lucy turned her head slightly to look at the fans, as if asking them if they wanted her to throw Val out of the ring. It was a small gesture, but it was probably the first time Lucy had acknowledged a crowd directly. It brought the people on that side of the ring to their feet, roaring her on.

Val ran back to Lucy, remonstrating with her to hurry up. Sonya and Charlotte were back on their feet.

With a swiftness that surprised everyone, Lucy grabbed Val with one hand on her shoulder and the other holding the waistband of her shorts, and picked her up off her feet.

As Lucy ran towards the ropes, the fans increased the volume of their cheering, finishing with a flourish when she launched Val over the top rope, flying through the air and taking out Sonya and Charlotte like a bowling ball hitting a couple of remaining pins.

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