The Maniacs Retribution

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Frisk Pov.

-Let the True Mad time begin.-



(Y/N): So, you just want me to suffer, huh well no more. It time to put you back into the grave.-

-He summon the things but they had the same aura that (Y/N) all over him.-

-They fire once one hit me it gave me a lot of damage.-

(Y/N): What? Thought it was going to be easy, hehe NO.



(Y/N): You know it a shame that we have to this again all over again.

-He summon colorful bones and sharp ones as well.-

-They kept attacking and attacking me it like he's not tired anymore.-



(Y/N): But you refuse to fix your mistake she wanted to fix it but you don't.

-He summon the thing and sharp colorful bones.-

-You had a hard time getting away from the things and the bones.-



(Y/N): Listen I understand that you enjoy this but your partner Chara doesn't.

Frisk: How about you shut up and die!!!

(Y/N): *Sigh* Idiot.

-He summon all of his phase 1 attacks on you.-

-You remember how it goes but still took damage.-



(Y/N): We could've been friend you and Chara. We could play game and do some of my puzzles, but you refuse.

-He summon all of his phase 2 attacks on you.-

-You dodge the two purple bones and the rest of them you got hurt.-



(Y/N): You thought that I was an idiot a loser but now look at me. I'm stronger then you.

-He summon all of his phase 3 attacks on you.-

-You dodge his bullets but you started bleeding from the bullets.-



(Y/N): So now...

-He summon all of his phase 4 attacks on you.

-You dodge really easily from his orange attack and his baseball.-



(Y/N): You ruined my life, took away everything and everyone that I killed and loved.

Frisk: Does it look like I care about your pathetic life.

-Once you told him that he got angry

(Y/N): Alright Then lady, How's about I finally uses my newest version of my Special attack.

(Y/N): Hope your ready because you won't make it.

-He begin his attack.-

-He started summon his thing one by one.-

-Then summon his colorful bones and sharp ones.-

-I took a half of damage until he said something.-

(Y/N): Still alive well maybe this will finish you off

-The six soul started spinning around (Y/N).-

-Then he started doing all of his attack on you.-

-You dodge his bones.-

-You dodge his things.-

-And you finally dodge all of his phases attacks.-

-The souls disappear leaving (Y/N) tired.-


99999999 Damage

(Y/N): *GASP*

To Be Continue
Atlassoldier2144: ... Is this the end...

Dustswap Dusttrust Legacy Male Sans ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang