"See ya kid." He smiled. I grabbed my bags and climbed on board.


"Julian!" My mother hollered. I hadn't even took a step out of the jet and she's already excited. I grabbed my bags and headed for the exit. As I stepped out I was nearly knocked down by her small frame. "Oh you've gotten so handsome!" She cried while hugging me.

"Thank you mother." I laughed. She let go and took a bag from my hand. "Mom put that down. I can handle it on my own." Ignoring me she turned around and walked to the large back doors of the palace where my father stood. Both looked as if they haven't aged a day over thirty but I still like to tease them. "I see you're getting some grey hairs, is it already time to retire?" I asked with a crooked smile. He chuckled and hugged me as I approached.

"Buddy I wouldn't be talking, you'll get them in a couple of years too. Come on let's get you unpacked and washed up for dinner." I watched as he took the large bag from my mom and lightly pecked her lips. Even though I spent all my time training at the castle I still longed for the day when I would find my mate. I wanted to have someone to hold and love yet I want someone to hold and love me back as well. Watching my parents had me wanting a mate even more. I want something special like they have. "Julian, you coming?" Breaking from my thoughts I followed them inside.

"I hope you don't mind, but we've redecorated your room since we thought you might have out grown the whole cars and trains phase." Mom laughed.

"I've defiantly out grown that!" I chuckled. As I opened the door I saw a complete change. Instead of a bed with car printed sheets there laid a large bed with dark navy blue sheets and grey fluffy pillows. The blue walls were now a clean white and the small dresser was now replaced with a large one. Taking the bag from my father I threw it and the others on the floor. "It looks good mom, thanks." I smiled. A large grin spread across her face.

"I'm so glad! Now you can unpack and freshen up. Maria, Maggie, and Suzzie will have dinner ready and will be joining us for dinner as well as your grandfather." I smiled and watched as she took dad's hand and left the room. I quickly unpacked the dirty clothes and replaced them with clean ones. I hurriedly took a shower and dressed accordingly. Racing throughout the palace I dropped the dirty clothes off at the laundry room and made my way to father's study.

Before reaching it I muted my scent. Mentally I thanked my father for passing me his gift. I stopped outside the door and listened. Nothing was heard. Slowly I crept in and shut the door behind me. Racing around the room I opened whatever file I found. Searching for something on Mike and my sister. Hearing someone down the hall I quickly placed everything back. The room was a simple square leaving me with no where to hide. Hastily I jumped on the leather couch and laid down in a relaxing position.

As soon as I laid still grandfather walked in and my father right behind him. "A village in the southern part of-Julian!" I smiled and stood up to greet him.

"Gramps! Looking good for an old man." I laughed.

"This old man can still beat the crap out of you!" He joked while hugging me.

"I'm not so sure of that dad, he has been learning from Dragon for the past thirteen years." Dad said while patting my shoulder. "Julian why are you here?"

"I want to know if we've found anything on Jewel or Mike."

"Julian we've been through this many times." He sighed. "I don't want you worrying or getting involved with any of this. Every time you do your mom starts to worry."

"But dad I-"

"I'm sorry Julian but I agree with your father. It's best that you don't mess with it. We are doing everything we can to find your sister." Sighing I dropped the conversation.

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