Chapter 3

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Blair pov - the next morning

I woke up to being in Max's embrace from last night and I didn't want to leave it. I look up at my clock and saw it 6:32am so we had time to get ready. I tap Max and woke him up "good morning Max" I said smiling. He yawned and smiled "morning my little man" and I blushed at that. We get up out of bed "I'm going for a shower Max" I said getting my clothes and Max hugs me "why not shower together?" He asked me and I blushed heavily as he suggested "uh Max, I mean we just got together last night, don't you think we are going to fast with this?" I asked.

Max looked at me and let go "yeah sorry" he said and looked away blushing, and strachting the back of his head. I smile and giggle "it's alright, but maybe next time we can shower together" I said and he looked at me and blushed. I go into the bathroom and began to shower. After about 17 minutes I was out of the bathroom in my clothes, only to find that Max was gone and so was my bag. I look to the desk to see a note and my phone, I pocket my phone and read the note from Max saying meet him at his dorm room. I then leave my room.

Max pov

I was out of the shower in my room, I didn't expect PJ and Bobby to be up by now and all ready to go. Now fully dressed, I step out of the bathroom with a knock at the door. PJ opened it "oh hey you're Blair right?" He's here, I smiled and walk up to the door "that's right" he said and I see him smiling "hey Blair, this is PJ and back there is Bobby" I said introducing my buds to him. "Nice to meet you guys, so Max you got my bag?" He asks "yup right here" I said giving him his bag.

He takes it "so you are coming with us?" Peej asks him "yeah I am, I can't thank you guys enough for this" he said. "Oh no problem bro, it's nice for Max to have a special someone" Bob said which caused us both to blush. After a bit we got everything ready "so uh Blair, I noticed that you have a skateboard" I said referring to the blue skateboard I packed last night. He looked me "yeah, I love skateboarding man" he said. "Well we gotta stop by the bean scene first for some coffee and Beret" I said.

Blair pov

We got to the bean scene where we got some coffee and had a poem by the one and only beret girl. I was sitting next to Max and was drinking my coffee which was good. "Well well well, who do we have here, a new friend or something more to you Max?" Beret ask while approaching us "hey Beret, this here is Blair, and uh, I guess you can say we are something more" Max said introducing me to her. "So, when we getting the show on the road?" She asked.

"As soon as where are down with our coffee, we are going to be outta here" Max said as we kept drinking till we were done. "Alright who's ready to hit the road?" Max asks, I give him a nod as the others did as well "alright let's get this show a rolling" he said. We got into the van, Bobby driving Max in the passenger seat and me in the back with Beret and PJ. Now begins the trip home and it's going to be great.

My Goof (Max Goof x Male OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt