chapter 12- heat and proposition!

Depuis le début

'You having a rough time too. Just try to keep a level head like me-like i always am. We will get our darling back. We will mark her that very instant we find her. She will forever be ours.'

I smiled at that and drifted slowly asleep.


in the morning.

Just a half hour till the announcment. 

Im fiddeling with my tie. I hate dressing up. what the hell?

"Do you need help Alpha? A maid asked, coming in with a tray of water and a cup.

I nodded.

"Do you think she will come sir? Im sorry. I dont mean to intrude. I knew my queen before she retired to the world. She is very stubborn, but she cares for Connor and Chelsea."

I shrugged, "I dont mind talking about it. It makes me mad sometimes though, but because you put it so delicatley it doesnt really bother me but, i hope it works. I wouldn't do anything to her, but her friends and family would be punished. I suppose if i promise fortune and safety to her comrades than she may come back. She may hate me but.." i ended with a growl. Okay so i do care...

"Sorry, Alpha-king i mean."

I shoke me head, "My fucking fault and alpha is fine."

The red head smiled at me, and tighened the plain silk black tie neatly. 

I excused her and sat on my bed. This is fucking crazy. i am going crazy.


Fays POV

The announcement is in less than ten minutes. My heart is beast so freaking fast i feel though it may burst any second. Why must i be such a nervous wreak? Calm down, Fay.

I sigh and look over towards my two best friends. 

"I still dont see how your not in heat yet. Like damn, mine will probably be early, thats how absolutly lucky that i am." 

I snickered at Chelsea. She would not let it go.

"Ugh, i smell it. So gross. I think im going to puke, Fay. Go. Away. Ah! That rymed." 

I frowned at Connor, " You're just dumb."

He laughed, "I dont see how?"

I shrugged and he muttered an 'exactly' before going back to whatever he was doing on the computer in the library moments ago.

We were at Waynes Public library in New Hampshire. Connor said he knew a wolf there would would hook us up in the back room so that humans couldn't hear what Sebastian announcement was about.

'Fay, this heat is bad. Im supressing it for you right now but i need Sebastian and his wolf.'

'what! why?'

'I cant really explain it, just we have to go or you'll be in a world of trouble.'

'im sorry, Belle. I really am but i cant. My family and Connor and Chelsea are at stake. We will have to work through it together.'

Belle wimpered in pain-pure agony, which pulled at my heart strings, before cutting out completely.

I sighed. 

Im sorry Belle....

"And here we are."

I looked at Connor who had the screen on a hidden website, and Sebastian was getting up on stage.

"Just need to ajust the volume, " he turned the knob on the side and a large amount of voices filled my ears, "there."

I felt my heart constrict when i saw him-tall, dark, and just simply beautiful. How can a man be that wonderfully handsome?

"Hello all Weres." his voice boomed. 

The scene was very formal. A potium in front of my mate and a large crowd gathered around drulling over my mate.

"i am here to make a brief announcement to my runaway mate. I know that you are with two others. Chelsea and Connor. i also know your family helped you escape with money. I will make you a deal, love. If you agree to come home, i will support your comrades and family with money and jobs. If not, and you are found-which you will be. I will deal with them harshly. Choose wisely dear."

I couldn't even listen to the q&as from the audience.

He knew that i would pick to protect them.

Oh god, what do i do?

His property.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant