I turn and walk up into the stands, my Chucks clanging against the aluminum bleachers, noting the words 'Wolverines Football State Champions 2010, 2015' painted on the pressbox in huge script. Yep. wasn't sure what to wear this afternoon, wanting to be casual but not Montesano Bulldogs hoodie casual. I finally decided on a white and navy cotton shirt over a white tank, skinny jeans, and - of course - my black Chucks. After all, I got my start on the track in an identical pair. And now I'm looking for another new beginning.

The track is in chaos, people yelling to each other about the hurdles and others just standing around in odd bunches. Finally, several of the athletes are sent to pull the hurdles off the track. Who is running this meet anyway? This would never have happened with Coach Grey in charge. Or me.

I take my notebook out of my shoulder bag so I can make some notes. The wind picks up and starts to swirl my hair into my face, so I dig out a hair tie. I'm just pulling my hair back into a ponytail when I feel it. That familiar tingle that starts in my scalp and radiates all the way down to my tailbone.

He's here.

Get a grip, Steele. He's married and Natalie's probably here too. Or, more likely, at home with a couple of mini-Coach Greys. Their son is probably about four, with a mischievous grin, while their baby girl...

I hear someone making their way slowly down the bleachers, coming over to where I'm sitting. And then I hear him call out, "Hello there! I'm Christian Grey, the athletic director, but everyone calls me 'Coa-'"

I take off my sunglasses, and can't help the ear-splitting grin that spreads across my face. "Coach!" I squeal, and without even realizing what I'm doing, I'm up and wrapping my arms around him.

I give myself just a heartbeat to inhale his scent - body wash, and something that's uniquely him - before pulling back. Feeling suddenly shy, I look down and tuck a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"Kid," he chokes out, "Where did you? - How did you? -" He gives up and just runs his hands through his hair. I'm surprised that he hasn't gone bald by now. He looks just the same - maybe a tiny bit of gray mixed in with the copper, a couple of laugh lines around his eyes. He looks good. Really good.

"Um, it's a long story? But... I applied for the teaching and coaching job here? I'm just checking things out."

We sit down - side-by-side - on the bleachers and gaze back out at the track. The 4x800 is just getting to the anchor leg.

"So how do they look?" He asks.

"Mmm... I definitely see some talent. The anchor looks like she has some speed." I watch as she accelerates, pulls away from the pack.


"But I can make them better."

He smirks and we both watch in silence as they set the hurdles back up for the 100-meter race.


"Hey Kid, I should get back up there... and this is probably against the rules, but... Do you want to maybe grab a drink afterwards? You can fill me in on that long story?" I ask.

"Oh, I said I'd go for pizza with the team afterwards... so I can meet a few people, talk about the program," she says. I'm pleased that she sounds disappointed.

"Oh," I say, "Great... well maybe I will come along." It's a standing tradition that the team goes for pizza at the local parlor after the last meet. I don't usually go to these types of things, but maybe it'll be good? I can't get into any trouble with a room full of parents and athletes. Right?

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