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October 2005

As fate would have it, my 15 year old self never went through a rebellious phase like most did. As much as I wanted to at least look tough and headstrong, it wasn't in my personal DNA to do so. I wasn't outrageously bold like my brother or independent like my sister. I had nothing; and nothing isn't a good quality when you're trying to impress the most attractive guy in school, who was also my best friend.

We walked side by side in the neighborhood that day. Like always, Kyle walked on the outside end of the sidewalk in case a car were to crash into us. He was always so caring over me, and I didn't know why back then.

"Mans, what do you want to do when you get out of school?" he asked me.

"Er...I don't really know. Something that involves nature...or photography. I haven't really thought about it."

"But not painting? That's a bit shocking. You're so damn good it at."

"It's just a...hobby, Kyle." I said.

"Sure. A hobby that you have a passion for. Seriously, Mandie."

"Nobody cares about my art. Especially not my family. They say it's no way to make a living."

"With skill like yours, yes there is. You spend all your money on paint and watercolors, you sketch when you're supposed to doing something else."

"It's my way of channeling my emotions. That's it."

"Whatever you say, Mans."

"Do you still have your mind set on studying music?"

"Of course I do."

"Well that's another thing that makes me different from you. You're one hundred percent sure what to do, and I have no idea."

Present Day

It felt amazing that morning when I woke up holding her in my arms once again. Her skin was warm against mine. I could've stayed that way forever, but that was when Mailey started crying from the baby monitor. Both of us sprung up, ready to go and get her.

"I'll go." said Manda.

"No I'll go." I said, jumping up and throwing some clothes on.

I rushed into the baby's room and grabbed her out of her crib. "Ssshhhh. Daddy's here. It's alright."

I kissed the top of her head and strokes her hair. Pretty soon Manda had joined the room, now fully clothed. She stepped closer to me and rubbed Mailey's face, kissing her on the nose.

"Do you have to go to the studio today?" she asked me.

I nodded. "I don't want to. Not really. But yes, and I'll miss you the whole time."

She smiled, standing on the tip of her toes, and kissed me. She was so short in comparison to me, since I was 6'2" and she was 5'6".

"I better take this one out then." she said.

"What about work?"

"The museum is closed. There's a low budget right now and they're not sure they can keep business."

"That's terrible. Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"It wasn't really important to me. I've been very bored with the job lately."

"Since when?"

She shrugged. "It's not the best I could've done. I really want to get my hands dirty."

Crescent Moon (Kyle J Simmons)Where stories live. Discover now