I will never forget you

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~Pinkie Pie POV~
Inca and Glitchy took Y/n home to calm down leaving me their I look at everyone and just shook my head "I'm sorry guys but you caused this I'm going to ask you to leave," I said get police tape and taped the trees around the school everyone left poor Y/n she just got her back and now she gone maybe I'll go to her house in a while
~Luna POV~
Me,Celestia,Pinkie Pie, and Crassin are heading to Y/n home we all heard about what happened and we wanted to comfort her when we got in we found Inca,Glitchy, and Y/n playing a board game Y/n did look happy so we all join in

~Author POV~
It's morning and they are at their school The School Of Friendship Y/n is the principal,Glitchy is the fashion teacher she teaches student how to to make any cloths and she teaches gym, Inca is the helper she helps Y/n and she teaches art, Luna is the night teacher she teaches people about the night, Celestial is the sun teacher she teaches the students about the sun, Crassin is the gymnastics teacher all the students heard about what happened so they decided to give Y/n some gift bags to make her feel a lot better which did help her she was very happy that the students cared about her but her sister death still haunts her they are all have the funeral at 2:30 all the students and teachers are going to be their but they all know that Crystal is in a good place

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2019 ⏰

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