Cover Up - Tom Holland

Start from the beginning

I watched at least 7 episodes before it became dark outside. I heard a key twist in my door and someone entered. I gave all of my friends a key to my apartment so it could've been anyone.

"Hello?" I heard Z yell.

"In here." I answered quietly pausing my show.

She walked in and leaned against the frame of my small door. Her smile turned into a frown when she saw me. Zendaya had been my best friend for 3 years.

"(y/n) what's wrong?" She asked sitting on the edge of my bed.

"You know Z. Don't act stupid." 

"I know you love Tom. You told me every little detail about your love for him, but we fell in love (y/n/n) you have to accept that. I love this handsome, sweet-"

"Caring, giving, amazing boy. I know, but you know I've been in love with him longer than he's been a star Zendaya!" I shouted as a tear slipped down my cheek.

"You need to get over him!" She yelled.

"You need to get out!" I screamed getting up and in her face.

"Whatever (y/n) he's mine now. You need to get over him." She said before leaving.

I jumped back in my bed and stuffed my face in my pillow. Tears already stained it and it was because of the same scenario. I sobbed until I fell asleep.

I woke up in Harrison's apartment, on his bed. He was by my side sleeping. I wrapped my arm around him and fell fast asleep again. That's all I could remember of that night.

That's all I could really remember of that week honestly. Tissues, sobbing, food, and heartbreak. Although I had my time I'm done with that now. I've come to terms that they're never breaking up, and we'll never be together.

I grabbed my backpack and headed to work. I bring a backpack for my trailer, usual stuff like a charger, snacks, and headphones for when I'm on break or not filming. I got out of my car and was greeted by Jacob and Laura.

"(y/n) Tom and Zendaya want to have the sleepover at Tom's apartment this weekend." Laura said linking her arm with mine.

"Seriously?" I asked linking Jacob's arm with my other.

"Sorry, I told him it wasn't a good idea." Jacob laughed.

"I'm not going anyways." I sighed seeing my trailer in sight

"Why not? (y/n) please! Without you I only have Harrison and he's such a dork." Jacob pleaded.

"I can't handle it. I know it, you guys know it, Harrison knows it, heck even Z knows it." I said disconnecting our arms and entering my trailer.

I sat down on the little couch I had. I went on my phone and started to scroll through Instagram. I saw a picture on Tom's of him and Zendaya. I liked it only because Tom would ask why I didn't if I decided not to.

So, I kept scrolling seeing multiple pictures of them. I got so mad that I threw my phone and started to cry.

You're being over dramatic now. Stop. It's time you got over him and move on. I thought to myself as I wiped my tears away.

I nodded and picked my phone up. I left my trailer and started walking over to set. I saw Tom and Zendaya laughing as they did a scene together. I stopped for a second to breathe deep. Then, I continued to jog towards them.

Once I reached them I tapped on Tom's shoulder. He turned around and the biggest smile ever formed on his face.

"(y/n/n)!" He chuckled pulling me into a hug.

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