Being The Extra

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Emma sat in her car looking at the building in front of her not quite sure how she had ended up there after replying to the ad for an extra for the new Green Day video as a bit of fun never imagining she would have been picked.

Legs shaking Emma got out of the car and made her way into the building, after being checked in she was lead over to a group of people all stood round a man who was shouting a lot.

"Ok everyone you are here to be a part of a crowd so every time you think a camera is on you get really into it, the band will be here shortly so let the hair and make up girls do their work" he clapped his hands and walked away leading to a flurry of excitement from everyone.

"Oh my god can you believe we're gonna be in a Green Day video" a girl on Emma rights said excitedly.

"Not quite" Emma replied with a slight laugh.

A couple of hours later everything was ready to go and the band were on stage getting themselves sorted. Emma had already gone a bit funny seeing Bille Joe and had hoped no one had noticed.

"Ok places!!" The director shouted and everyone scurried to be at the front of the stage, Emma quite happily in the middle surrounded by people but not fully able to be seen.

As the director shouted action the music started playing loudly and everyone started jumping and screaming and Emma found herself being pushed closer to the front. Without meaning to she caught Billie Joe's eye and froze on the spot, almost not believing it had happened she received a wink from him.

What felt like only 10 minutes but 2 hours later the video was finished and everyone was packing up to go home, Emma grabbed her bag and coat and was about to leave when an assistant grabbed her arm.

"Excuse me, hi I've been asked to give you this note" she said thrusting a bit of paper in Emma's hand and leaving.

"Oh thanks" Emma replied then opened it to read

"Really enjoyed watching you rock out, give me a call. Billie Joe xxx"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2014 ⏰

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