chapter 8

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Well, it looks like blake took my advise and spoke with ozpin. So now we are a three person team, yay. I would be more excited if it weren't for the fact that I think blake is crushing on me. Don't get me wrong, she's cute and all, but I already have eyes for yang so I dont think that this can slide.

Blake: (Y/n)~! Where are you~?

I think her feelings are growing stronger everyday. It could be just a hunch, or it could be the fact that I have caught her staring, writing love letters to stick in my locker, trying to sneak into my bed, and trying to measure me for a body pillow she's making. There's also the fact that she scares me to the point that I'm currently in the clo-

Blake: FOUND YOU!!!

she opened the doors to the closet to find it bare and a little darker.

Blake: Rats. I could of sworn I smelled him in here. *leaves*

As she leaves two large white ovals appear, along with a sweatdrop.

(Y/n): 😓 she can smell me? Whatever, I have to get to class.


I arrive to class in the nick of time and sit next to yang. Now normally all of our team would sit together. But after many complaints and many questionable acts of "love", Blake now sits next to velvet in the back row.

Yang: what level of crazy has blake reached today?

(Y/n): she claimed she could smell me.

Yang: so an 8?

(Y/n): usually, but the smile and handcuffs bump it up to 10.

Yang pulls out a poster with a number scale on it. What was left of it was red dots. There were so many dots that you couldn't tell where the actual numbers were. However the numbers 1&2 were left bare.

Yang: *stick* Were probably going to need a new poster soon.

(Y/n): or a new restraining order. The third one expired 2 days ago.

Yang: we could get another one, but lets not forget what happened last week.

It was a peaceful night for the blond and that guy with the hairdo, with both of them asleep with soundproof boxes on their heads to drown out what was keeping the rest of becon up.

???: HARDER (Y/N)!! ITS SO BIG!!!

Blake was going to town on the door knob, fulfilling he-

Blake: YES!

Fulfilling her-

Blake: YESS!!!!!


Fulfilling her del-



Blake: up for round 10?

<flashback end>

At first the staff thought one of the students hacked the P.A. system and blasted porn. But they werent that lucky.

(Y/n): *shivers* I wish I could forget it. After that fiasco, people started calling me  'tri-pod'.

Yang: which begs the question, did you get an answer to why Blake is like this?

(Y/n): apparently fauni are sensitive to our power. Its one of the main reasons why the different domains exist.

Yang: and since your the instrument-

(Y/n): -my aura is a God level aphrodisiac. Why do you think the only continent I haven't been to is managire?

This is the end of part one. Part 2 will be out in around a week. Hopefully I can keep that train going. I might be able to put out chapter 1 of my gamer series by Saturday. Later!

P.S. this ain't no harem story

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2019 ⏰

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