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I scream at my mom while running down the stairs I was just about to run out the front door when I feel a hot sharp pain in my left shoulder

I insently fall to the floor because of the pain and my eyes meet my mom's

Tears were starting to form in my  eyes she looked at me with a sorry kinda look before she put the gun to her head and pulled the trigger

1 month later

I slowly open my eyes and look around I notice I'm in the hospital

the door opens

"ah, look who's finally awake" said a nurse with a kind smile

I smiled slightly

I look to my left shoulder and see a huge bandage and look back at the nurse

"where's my mom"

I said remembering what she did

"Your mom didn't make it"

I nodded my head slowly and closed my eyes

ay wassup I didn't really get to introduce myself properly my name is niara...you read that wrong it's pronounced (knee-are-uh) I'm 18, 19 in December and I live in Houston Texas but since  my mom killed herself and tried to kill me I really just want to get out of town and start over..yeah that's what I need a fresh start....in LA..I have a cousin that lives out there and I'm sure he'll let me stay with him in till I get my own place cuz he like my bsf

I'm mixed with black and puerto rican but I only speak English :/  the rest of my family can speak both English and Spanish

I'm 5'3😬 so uh yeah

aaaaaaaand that's it ig

3 months later

I get in my Uber with my bags in the truck

"Where to"

"The airport, so I can finally get out of this shitty town" I said mumbling the last part

I took out my phone scrolled through Instagram and added to my story

I opened my playlist and started listening to roses as I looked out the window (play song now)


I went and sat by my crush from 6th grade (he was in 8th)

"Hey Nini" he said smirking

"Hey jahseh" I said smiling

We were at some assembly in the cafeteria and it was mad boring, I was looking at the principal who was telling us to stop slapping each other's butts

I felt someone staring at me and I looked to the my left side and it was jahseh I was a little surprised bc all the 8th grade girls said he didn't like me I was so lost in thought I didn't realize he said something

Jahseh- niara, I've been wanting to tell you this for awhile now...

Me- yes

I said smiling uncontrollably

Jahseh- I like y-

I cut him off by smashing our lips together

All you heard were "Ooouuuu" "awwww" and "ewwwww" coming from the teachers, student's, and parents

* End of flashback*

Me and jahseh we're dating in till he went to high school

I'ma be honest after he broke up with me I was so heart broken I didn't want to love again so I curved every guy that came my way

He said he will never forget me and that I will always be in he's heart but once he got famous I thought  he really did forget me in till  June 17 2018 he called me and we was on the phone for like 7 hours just talking I can't even remember what we was talking bout

A single tear fell down my face but I quickly wiped it..it still didn't feel real I felt like if I called him he would answer but I know that's not true I just wish I could go back in time and re live the moments I had with him

The next day he was found dead in his car I literally cried for 5 whole fucking days and 4 months after his passing I was depressed he was my first love and I know he's out there somewhere but everything happens for a reason and God has a plan for all of us

"Your here"

"Thank you" I said paying him and walking out the car

I got in the plane and put my head on the window and closed my eyes

ight  trippie gon be in the next chapter so don't worry.

Taking A Walk•Trippie ReddWhere stories live. Discover now