Too Shy

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Stefan looked at Colin with a face that was very confused

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Stefan looked at Colin with a face that was very confused. " C-Colin right now is not the best time, I-" but then again Colin had cut him off. " Right now is a perfectly good time." but it wasn't in Stefan's head but he just went over to listen to music. He needed something relaxing so he started listening to ' Too shy by kajagoogoo." Stefan sat down on his bed, watching the blonde male from afar doing his coding. How did he have anything to do with this if it was just Colin? He brought his knees to his chest as Colin did whatever coding he was doing. Stefan ended up falling asleep. He looked like he was sleeping peacefully but Stefan wasn't. He had been having nightmares ever since he had killed his father. Stefan woke up, gasping like he died or something. Stefan was sweating too. 'Gross' Stefan thought and then he noticed the blonde male was still there but not at the computer. Just staring out the window with a cigarette in his mouth as Stefan watched the puffs of black-greyish smoke come from Colin's lips. " Colin? When are you going to stop smoking and doing drugs? It can harm your body and I just don't want you to die again." Stefan said softly to him with a little bit of worry in his voice. Colin didn't say anything, just kept blowing smoke. Stefan sighed softly. " I'm not joking, Colin answer me,Please?" Colin sighed as well. " I Don't know, Stefan. Why are you so worried?" Stefan couldn't say the full truth. He would make a fool of himself. " Well, there's kitty and pearl and-" He was getting cut off a lot recently. The blonde male spoke, slightly harshly and mixture of softness as well. " They both think I'm dead." He told Stefan. The brunette shook his head. " I wasn't done,Colin but I doubt you will listen anymore." Stefan got out of the bed. " Do you want anything for breakfast?" Colin was now giving Stefan the silent treatment which the brunette sighed softly at. " Well when you feel like it, just come to the kitchen." Stefan went downstairs as he started to learn how to cook for breakfast foods so far. He could only cook eggs, bacon and waffles so he started to make himself some eggs while Stefan was doing so. A million thoughts were filling his head about Colin and what happened to him while he was gone. Soon the brunette heard footsteps as he looked over and saw Colin. Stefan then looked back at his eggs that now were finished as he only put a bit on his plate. " Do you want some, Colin?" Stefan asked him softly which he just got a simply nod. Stefan made Colin a plate and made them both tea as he put their plates on the table. Colin looked at Stefan. " Stefan, What else were you going to say earlier?" That question caused Stefan to freeze as he looked at Colin. 

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