part 3

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Snape's POV - 2 years later

Isabella's birthday at the park.

I invited the kids from Isabella's class to come to her birthday party with their parents. Draco Malfoy and Isabella are nearly inseparable now. She was opening her gift from me right now.

Isabella opened it and smiled. Always was our word. As in i'll Always love you.

"Thanks Daddy!" I was as surprised as she was, but in a good way. I'd always wondered how she thought of me, I know she loves me, but i didn't know if she wanted to call me Dad or not. "I-i—" I interupted her. "You can call me that if you want to."

Her eyes started watering, but she was smiling none the less. "Ok! I love you daddy!

I smiled. It felt odd that the child that i'd been parenting was that swine's daughter, but she was so much like Lilly that i barely thought about it. "I love you too, Bell."

Isabella Potter; Harry's twin and Snape's daughter.Where stories live. Discover now