Chapter Six: Music and Me

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Music wasn't of any importance to me before 2007. I was sitting in the car with my mom, on the way to Disneyland. When I heard a driving bass that rocked me to the core, accompanied by soothing synths and a beautiful melody. The song was "Billie Jean" by the world's greatest entertainer that ever lived Michael Jackson. It was at this moment my obsession with this man and his music began. Like any fan I started out with his most mainstream songs. You know, "Thriller", "Billie Jean", "Bad", etc. But then I began to look into to what he actually did in his extra time. This is a man who donated around 500 Million dollars to charities and children around the world. Not only did he do this, he wrote socially aware songs such as, "They Don't Care About Us" and the " Earth Song". Michael was at the height of his career when they tried to tear him down. He broke world records that nobody can touch, so of course they had stop him. There was no way they were going to let a black man override the white man. So what did they do? Overnight they called him a freak, a homosexual, they said he bleached his skin. They did everything they could to stop the progression of his art. It has been ten years since the tragic death of Mr. Jackson yet the ignorant people of the world still swear that he committed the acts of disgust he was accused of.

This brings me to my next point. Why is it not possible for us to love each other? As a human race, why can't we learn to look past our differences? I can't seem to find the root of all evil, because there are too many branches of the root system. Many relate this thought back to the story of Adam and Eve. The root of all evil for many is the moment Eve ate the apple. Many say the root of evil of jealousy. Similarly, people say the root of evil is money; greed. No you're wrong, as a matter of fact you're all wrong. The root of all evil is simple and it is actually in front of our faces. Language, the home of the arts and the centerfold of all expression.

Take a moment and step back think about language, in particular the English language. In a world without English there wouldn't be the deception of American Slaves through the bible. There wouldn't be the permanent imprint of American and British colonization world wide. Without the Spanish language modern day Mexico may still be using Aztec and Mayan vernacular. Many African nations would be speaking Amharic and Swahili instead of French and English. Without language Northern Africa would not be engulfed in Islam and perhaps Southern and Central Africa wouldn't have the heavy influence of Christianity. Why does this matter? Well this is built off the hypocrisy of many world religions. We can't deny the violent history between religions, especially when the topic of the Crusades come up. Lest we forget, the ongoing conflicts of Protestant and Catholics in the United States of America. This is important to my testimony. Understanding the history of the religion gives perspective. To understand why people fought over two religious institutions that are virtually the same in context. To understand that, the violence between world religions must end now; today. 

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