Fighting with me all your life, will you?

Start from the beginning

Oab is irritated by Tay. Stupid Tay! How can't he know that is a lie from New. How can't he realize how jealous New is when seeing us together. Love really makes people unquestionable.

New turns back. He feels something lost. Damn Tay! Can't you ask me one more times and I will forgive you? But wait, why is he mad?

Tay and Oab come into the restaurant and surprisingly, Tay see New's girlfriend here.
- Hi Gift, why are you here?
- Hi Tay, I'm going with my friends.
- How about New?
- "New? I don't know. We don't have plan tonight." She answers when look at Oab's hands on Tay's shoulder.
- "Hey Gift, I'm Oab. I'm Tay's best friend." Oab greets to Gift.
In a seconds, Gift feel her heart become light. Maybe become she sees how close Tay and Oab are.
Throughout the meal, Tay can't be concentrate. His mind keeps thinking about New. So after leaving the restaurant, he told Oab: "Sorry Oab, but I think I need to go"- " Hurry up and get along with him". Tay feels so surprised, sometimes Oab knows him even more than him does.

Tay go straight to New house. It have been a week they don't talk together. What wrong did I make?
Tay stand at the building, calling New.
- Hey New?
- What's up?
- Get down. I'm in front of your house.
- What's wrong? I'm with Gift now? Don't you remember?
-" Stop lying. Come down or I will come up and you will know" Tay start to be not calm.
New comes down and see Tay over there. It's start to be cold.
- "Actually, Gift is busy at work and I don't know that".
Tay really mad at the younger:
-" Why the hell you are keeping lying?"
- I don't lie anything.
-Shut up. I ran into Gift at the restaurant.
New keeps silence. Everything is exposed.
- Tell me!
- What do you want?
- Why do you lie?
- "Just today, why are you overacting lie that?" New just thinks that he doesn't know how to explain the reason to Tay.
Tay is at the peak of mad. He start to yell at New:
- OK so I just call Gift and make the thing clear.
Tay get the phone up, but suddenly he hear New's voice:

-Let it go ok Tay, I just have my own reason.

-So What the hell is that?

-Just let it go. I'm sorry ok.

But Tay is being on mad, he can't keep his mood, especially face to New who is being mad too:

- Asshole, what are you thinking now? Or you just don't want to meet me, just say it out?

Tay really drives New to the peak of mad:

- Ok, ok I just don't want to go out with you OK? Fuck! Have you been satisfied yet?
The air is silence for a really long while. New doesn't know why he just said a stupid thing. New doesn't know what to do next.
Tay doesn't want to say anything. Exhausted and depressed. New's answer is beyond his doubt. It is not even in one in tons of reasons he think while he comes here, even when he ask. So he just said: So don't meet each other anymore". and leaves.

New is immovable now. He is so confused by what Tay just saying. The first time he cry.

"Tay, you don't understand me even a little bit"

New sits right there. He just can't move anymore. He mad at himself cause he can't even stop the tears.

There is a one still stands here and look at him.

Actually, Tay goes back because he doesn't believe New really doesn't go out with him. Facing a New being mad, he really can't keep calm. That is why they always fight each other. But this time they have got a big fight. After leaving, Tay kept thinking and eventually decided to come back and talk to New calmly. But after coming to New, he see the younger is crying. His New is crying! Because of him.

He come nearer to the crying boy, New looks up and keep looking at Tay. Then he looks down and continue to cry.

The first time seeing New cries, Tay feels really bad. The worse is that he is the cause. He really doesn't know what to do. Suddenly, he unintentionally hugs New. At that time, he just wants to protect this person.

New's head falls down to Tay's shoulder: I'm jealous, Tay. I'm jealous... really. New's voice choked with emotion.

Tay feels like his heart is being broken, he says: " The next time when I was unresonably like this, just punch me ok?"

New hasn't stoped. So Tay keeps consoling New: It is ok New, I'm here.

For a long while later, the younger stops crying and they look at each other, after a long time.

-Why are you jealous? Who are you jealous with? Tay softly asks.



-I'd love to go to Phuket with you.


-You can use your own case.


-I can drive you home.


-I do want to eat at that restaurant?


Tay suddenly cuts New's line:



-How many friends I have, you are always the one.

Tay says that speech as sincerely much as he could, looking straight in New's eyes. New can't stand laugh out:

-Hey, are you really Tay?

-Stop teasing me.

-Hey hey what? Wanna more fight?

-I'll punch you now.

Tay laughs together. Conflicts haven't even been comfort, but if there are not them, we surely don't know that how much the other is important to us.


-Fighting with me all your life, will you?

Tay keeps silence and suddenly smiles: If you want to, I will fight with you everyday

-But you must be sorry after that?

-Why? Tay surpised

-You have promised. Don't forget it. Or you want me to punch you.

Tay just realizes he did a stupid thing: ok, you absolutely planed it!

New smiles softly. This makes Tay can't stand to talk:

-Ok, I don't know how many fights we get after all, I will always the mediator, for sure because...


-You are quick to cry...

Tay laughs, New doesn't mad that time. He thinks" I used to be a brave man Tay, but now I have a scare of losing you"

Tay continues: "So I will always be the one to sorry..." Tay suddenlly stops the sentence.

They both smile and keep silence like that .

New may never know the latter part of that haft-done sentence:

"...cause now I cann't get out of your smile anymore"

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