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"-swear if you hurt him I'll-" ...

"-shut up ass-" ...

"Is my baby waking up soon?!?" ...

I slowly opened my eyes to find I was in a dark place atleast. The walls were made of jagged stone, they looked painful to be thrown at. I tried getting up but my arms and leg were tied by ropes and apparently I wa gagged as well.

"MMPHHH!!" I tried making noises to get somebody, anybody's attention. A girl about my age ran into the room and gasped, tears forming in her eyes. "DADDY! Come here this instant! Untie my baby! NOW!!" she yelled. I was surprised, most people would get hit if they treated their fathers like- WAIT. Did she just say baby?!? A middle aged man came running into the room and kneeled. "Yes Princess." he got up and quickly took my gag off. I took large gulps of air as he untied my ropes.

"Thank you! Where am I? Who are you? Who is she? Why was I taken from school? WHY DID SHE CALL ME BABY?!?" I fired question after question at the man. "You're in the-" the little girl cut him off.

"You're at my home! Beautiful isn't it? My name is Marissa, but you can call me Marie of you want! I don't know the whole story but I guess your mother contacted my father, as he was looking for somebody I would be betrothed to. She told my fathers forces to go to your school and take you, but to knock you out so you wouldn't fight them. She sounded quite angry when she spoke to father over the phone... Oh yeah! You're to be my husband in two years when I turn 18. I'm 16 so father said you needed to live with us! Cool isn't it?"

My head hurt when she finished speaking, as I took it all in. My mom sent me here? Speaking of here, where is this place? Why would my mom send me away? I'm happy I'm not near her, I won't get abused anymore, but what about my clothes and other stuff? What about Lacey?.... What about Beau?

"Helloooo? I said what's your name?" marie asked.

"Sorry... I'm Jamie..." I told her.

"Jamie? That's such a cute name! Well, come on Jamie we have a lot to do!" she grabbed my hand and led me to a large room. There were guards standing at a large set of doors, and I didn't wanna mess with them, they looked scary...

I followed her up some stairs, a long ass hallway layed before me, it seemed never ending. She pulled me into a room near the stairs. It wa four times the size of my room back in Alaska, and my rooms pretty big swing as my moms the owner of four different companies.

It had smooth grey stones as the wall and ceiling and on the far side of the room was a raised section of the floor where a huge bed, no really it was bigger than a California King, stood. There were tall black posts holding up purple and neon green drapes that hung over the bed like a veil. What I could see from my view was black sheets, a large dark purple comforter, and neon green and black pillows . The dresser, vanity, wardrobe, and a giant block shaped piece of furniture were spread out along the walls and were black. There was a fuzzy dark purple carpet in the middle of the room.

"Whoever designed this room has amazing taste, these are my favorite colors!" I told her. She giggle and said

"I chose the colors but my fathers carpenters built everything."

"Wow you guys must be rich!"

"Well, father IS the king, we WOULD have the most money."

"King? But the US doesn't have a king..."

"The US? Silly we aren't anywhere near North America! My father is King of the country of Quile. As his daughter, I'm the princess, and as his soon-to-be son you will be prince."

"WHAT?!? but... Oh noooo!"

"Jamie? Are you okay?"

"I can't tell you why but I REALLY need to get back to my home in Alaska."

"I... I need to tell you something too, but we are all going back to Alaska to get your things, you can come with and stay a night if you want..."

"REALLY?!? Oh my god I love you!!!" I shouted and hugged her. Her face got red and she laughed.

"You're welcome Jamie."

*Bunny fast forwards to later that night. Hehe ;) *

"Jamie! How'd you like dinner?"

"It was great Marie! Uhm, where am I supposed to sleep? I'm really tired..."

"Oh! Sorry! Come with me!" I followed her, noticing how short her hair was. It looked cute with little bows in it, the pink of the bows contracting nicely with the jet black of her hair. Wow I sound so gay.

She opened a door and we steppe into the same room as before.

"Isn't this your room?" I asked her, raising a brow questioningly.

"Yep! You're my to-be husband, so father said to sleep in my room!"

"okayy...?" that's a little... Awkward...

"Oh! I need to bathe, will you please stand in te hallway?"

I guess because he's a girl she needed her privacy. Not that I mind, I'm not interested in those parts anyway. I stepped into the hallway and leaned against the wall. A dog came bounding down the hall and stopped in front of the door. It pulled a rope that I hadn't seen before and tugged the door open. It ran in and I quickly ran after it to bring it back out.

"Shay! Hi baby! How are you? Awwwe you're such a cute puppy!" she praised the dog somewhere. "I'll be right back, let me get your sponge and soap for you!" se skipped into the room and I stopped. She had a towel wrapped around her waist but there was nothing covering her chest...

She gasped and brought the towel up. "Jamie! Wha-what are you doing in here?!"

"I ran after the dog to ring it back out..."

"Oh... Well it's her bath time so she's supposed to be in here. I can't believe you saw my chest!!"

I was slightly skeptical and walked up to her. She looked at me with fear in her eyes. I pushed to towel down to her waist again and out my hand on her chest. I slid it down and felt a nice six pack of abs. I moved the same hand to her jaw and slid my finger down it slowly, her being beet red the whole time, and felt a slight stubble. Marie swallowed nervously and I saw a small Adams apple bob when she did.

"Well, well, well... No wonder I'm attracted to you, you're a guy."


oooh! Cliff hanger! How do you guys like it so far? I know it's not much to tell but more will be happening soon, in about two or three haters I think, the sexy stable manager comes into play. ;) if you guys for like it I'll stop and think of another idea... It might take a while, school starts up gain in just over a week so :/ mehhh, anybody wanna make a cover? Id really appreciate it, and it'd be awesome if there could be a horse on it... Wait till next chapter and pick out of the five listed okay?

~~~~<3 Bunny

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