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Welcome! This is my Ask and Dare book for my Rainbow Sisters. They will gladly answer most of your questions, and I have the rules below. I'll introduce you to them first.

First, the oldest, at 28. Ruby. She the most relaxed, and she is actually a lesbian but she hasn't told anyone. It is a bit rare to find her screaming and shouting in her dark form, but when she is, you should run, in her non dark form she is often yelling in sheer frustration. But in the end she is the most mature, and has "the worst" experience with her parents. She is why their parents weren't in the household, and she thinks Jasper is oblivious to why. On her free time she can often be found lounging around, watching anime, and has a shipping problem, which she admits to. She also checks what her sisters are watching, reading, and have on their phones often, all the sisters go to her if they want to watch a certain show or movie (at least in the like of anime or something made by the Japanese). She is a regular red fox in her light form, and a twin tailed fox in her dark form.

Second, Jasper at 27, is in a constant stress, and has been basically all her life, and also a lesbian but doesn't realize she is. Starting from the age range of 6-8 ½ she was constantly hearing and seeing Ruby cry. At the age of 7 she overheard her parents threatening to kill Ruby so she stepped in begging them not to kill Ruby, and she knows what actually happened to her parents behind Ruby's lies. During her senior prom she was... "forced to have fun"... Despite that her parents were disowned from the household, she was still harassed by them, Ruby once hearing the harassment and crying, she took matters into her hands, and took Jaspers phone, demanded that they leave her alone and with that, she blocked them from her phone. When she accidentally drove Ruby off by her semi-selfish demands she acted nowhere near as upset as she actually was when around her sisters but reality is that she would just cry and cry and cry and cry in her room and end up crying herself to sleep. She is shy and actually loves Ruby and her other sisters more than they know. You can find her watching anime as well or looking over Ruby's shoulder randomly to watch what Ruby's watching, or if Ruby's not there she'll see what her sisters are watching or what they want to watch. She is a orange tabby cat.

Third, Topaz, at 26, is the one who felt the forced action of Jasper abusing her sisters, and helped Jasper realize how badly she was manipulated by her parents. After what happened between them, Topaz doesn't like to be around Jasper that much, but if she must then she will. Topaz prefers to just sit in her room watching something, or shopping, despite the fact that she isn't a huge fan of being in public. She thinks that she knows Jasper inside out, but she doesn't, and she's constantly jumping to conclusions about bad things happening and blaming them on Jasper, all because of one bad experience with her. Though sometimes she's right, and it's occasionally a lol. She is also a cat, except she is a regular yellow cat.

Forth, Emerald, at 25, a cat, she's one of the peacemakers in the family, and adores playing funny games, and is almost always the first to tell Ruby about something if she doesn't send off Dia as a messenger. She and Sapphire have always slept in the same room, so she's forced into insomnia and a foul mood a lot, which is actually why she began to swear. She's also good at cooking, and enjoys going out to restaurants. She loves to help around the house and is constantly a house maid by will, mainly because she loves to have the place clean. She hasn't had a good experience with Jasper, but she hasn't a bad experience with her either and is willing to forgive her. She is kind, a troll, and is a truthseeker. And above all, She loves all her sisters with all her heart. She is also a big fan of Gordon Ramsey's shows, like "Hell's Kitchen™" and "Kitchen Nightmares™" and has a dream of one day opening her very own restaurant. Emerald is a regular green cat.

Fifth, Sapphire at 24, a cat, is the second peacemaker and is often very hyper at night and keeps Emerald up and it causes Emerald to be in a bad mood sometimes. Sapphire is much like Emerald genetically and mentally, she has a big sense of humor, and likes to to play funny games as well, and is rather hyper, much like canon Blueberry Sans, you shouldn't give her sugar, or at least that much, unless you want her to wreck the place. She is playful and loves to prank her sisters, she is very clingy and clings to Emerald a lot, she also clings to Ruby, but not as much. She loves all her sisters with all her heart, but it will take more to convince her to forgive not just Jasper, but Topaz as well, for what they did to her, she also doesn't know Jasper's story for why she did what she did to her and the rest of her sisters, but she still loves them. She likes to swim but would prefer to sunbathe on the side instead. Sapphire is a regular blue cat.

Sixth, Lapis, 23, a cat, she's your normal gossip girl, and is not the best person to go to for advice. She likes to help her sisters catch up on the latest gossip and is rather annoying sometimes. There isn't much to be said but she never understood why Jasper was always so abusive and mean, but she never really minded except when she got REALLY mean. When Jasper was, she would often cry, Jasper would hear, and her first instinct was to calm her down, and she was the one who saw the pain through her eyes easiest, saw the sweet Jasper that she only had few memories of and is why she decided to stay with her longer than Amethyst did. Lapis was the sister who loved Jasper the most, and she was the closest to Jasper. She's more understanding and kind than Amethyst, and is no where near 'Homophobic', seeing as she is Bisexual. She likes to swim and between herself and Sapphire, she is definitely the water bug. She's the one who has always wanted a pet, and still to this day she still mourns over a pet goldfish (that only she took care of, and very good care of it) that they had. Lapis is a regular bright cyanish blueish cat.

Second youngest, Amethyst, 22, the second gossip girl, but she gets DEEP into detail. Amethyst isn't a big fan of Jasper, but she's willing to be around her. She's a quaint girl, and she knows not to mess with Ruby and Jasper. As said before, she's not as understanding or as kind as Lapis, Amethyst has also never seen the soft side of Jasper, so she's not as kind as Lapis is with her, but she'll admit that Jasper is bearable to be around. So in the end Amethyst will deal with Jasper. She has a small innocence left and so do Lapis and Dia. Amethyst is a regular purple cat.

And last but not least, the youngest, Dia, or as her full name, Diamond. Dia is actually two years younger than Amethyst, in which she is 20. She's always been the one who's been keeping Ruby from either kicking her own bedroom door down, crying, yelling swears and telling the others to shut up, all while holding and empty gun to her head, or committing bloody murder on one of them. Dia was always the one who saw Jasper's true self despite it being a bit risky. Dia was always very kind to all her sisters, and loved them immensely. Dia was the only real link in the family, at least, that kept them all from killing one another, or getting blackout drunk and being stupid. Dia is very, very innocent, because Ruby never had the courage to give her "The Talk", Jasper wasn't and isn't stupid enough to get her *ss beaten for doing it herself, and the others just don't want to, and don't remember half of it. Dia is Pansexual, and has a few things that represent her sexuality. Overall she's your sweet, innocent, adorable, smol bean. Dia is a white wolf when she is in her light form, and in her dark form she is a black wolf.

You may begin to ask, and I will open the Dare Box every one and a while, and when the Dare Box is open you can dare them then. This idea was inspired by AltheaMarieCatuncan, and I did not take or copy Shadow-Storm119's Rainbow Sisters. They are my own and belong to me, Shadow actually inspired me to make my own Rainbow Sisters. Thank you very much, you may use them, but please credit me. What they look like is up at the top of the chapter, unless it's one of those "you have to be ___ for ___ asks!" things, they will be in their dark forms.

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