~ Back to the Mystery Shack ~

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          Dipper brought his hands to his face and rubbed it, his eyes closed, making his blushes go away quicker then they would've by themself.

          He walked around Gravity Falls taking the long way to the Shack so that he could look at all the old places for nostalgia. The old crash site him and Ford took their first adventure in, the place where Mables prison bubble was, the place where the Fearamid was, which still hadn't been fixed...why am I going to places that Bill had a part of making! Ugh, stupid dorito!

          After that, he decided to head to the Mystery Shack after stopping in to get some cocoa from Greasy's Diner, which was surprisingly still in business.

          After he got his cocoa, he walked toward the Mystery Shack. A few times hw turned around because he swore that someone was following him, but nope, no one was there, and the hide-behind had left Gravity Falls soon after Dipper and Mable did the first time, weird...maybe I'm just paranoid...yeah that's the reason...he turned back around after looks around him and entered the Mystery Shack.

          It was still the same as it had been so many years ago, seems Soos kept Stans why around here huh, he smiled as closed the door making the bell ring.

          "Dipper dude what's up!" He was as immediately engulfed in Wendy's arms.

          "Nothing much Wendy," he chuckled and hugged back, he was taller then her now. "How are things going around here shorty mc short stack?"

          "Oh hush up, just cuz I'm short doesn't mean I'm not older Dip," she chuckled and let go, "things are same old same old, with Stan and Ford...gone, theres been a few less tourists though..." She lightly sighed, it was obvious she was thinking about Stan and Ford now.

          Dipper softly brought her into another hug. "They're in a better place now Wendy, Fords not overwhelmed with work and Stans not sick anymore, wherever they are now of course." They were silently hugging for a bit, a sweet and gentle moment of silence.

          Wendy finally spoke up after a minute or so, obviously wanting to change the subject from Stan and Ford, "Bill's back around town, not a deadly dorito anymore I guess," she chuckled lightly. "Kinda nice now actually, I run into him around town sometimes while shopping for the Shack and eating and stuff."

          Dipper froze a bit, his cheeks turning a light pink shade, "Bill...like Bill Cipher?...is back in town and being...nice?"

          Wendy laughed and lets go of Dipper softly. "That was my reaction when I saw him the first time too, but yeah, he's back and offered to help me with getting groceries to my car whenever I see him at the store"

          Dipper looked at her and chuckled a bit, "wonderful, let's hope he doesn't possess me again then." He didn't quite believe it.

          He was going to go out and see if he could find Bill, but it had started to get dark outside. Wendy smiled, "your room upstairs is still there if you wanna stay here, I gotta close up the Shack though." She walked away, smiling softly, with her green plaid on and jeans. Just like Dipper had remembered her.

          Dipper smiled and let her do her thing, he grabbed his bag up off the floor again and walked up the creaky stairs gently, continuing to look around as he went, so much nostalgia...

          Dipper got up to his old room and smiled as he saw the old mold stain on the ceiling, Mables old bed still surrounded in boy band posters and a calendar; which was still open to the month of their 13th birthday. "I miss her," he chuckled softly as he layed down on his old bed and stared at ceiling until he finally fell asleep, exhausted from the trip there.

Sweet Sweet Demonic Dorito Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant