Activities worth Trying when traveling to favorite Destination!

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The pool time and sightseeing are always on the cards of vacation pursuits, but trip is not only about these things. It can be explored in different ways by making it more adventurous, more thrilling or bit boring; it solely depends upon the travelers’ choice what kind of adventure they want. No matter, you are a thrill lover and adrenaline junkie and want to make the most out of the moment; here few activities have been rounded up related to underwater sports activities. Needless to say, underwater world is full of unusual creatures which surprise not only the first time divers but also the experienced ones and the exploration of aquatic world is never complete. Here is highlighted few things or creatures of underwater world.


Of course, the first creature that comes into the mind of diver is different kinds of fishes. Barreleye fish is one such kind of fish which has a transparent head and eye situated inside the head. They took the advantage of a transparent head with the help of which they seek out their prey without actually turning its body. But finding it is not very easy as it is usually found at the depth of 600 feet and that too at very few places.

Also, there are some kinds of creatures which glow very brightly underwater. It is like a sea worm ,which emits green light. The scientists could not find the exact reason for their green light emission, but one thing which is confirmed that these glowing sea worms are found in temperate as well as tropical waters. Though, it is not very common to found a creature but very good to catch the view.  

Oarfish is another kind of underwater creature which can grow up to 50 feet in length. It has been known as the longest fish in the world so far, though finding it has really very difficult view. Earlier, this oarfish was confused with sea serpent but mariners found out the reality. Normally, they live 650 feet deep and could easily go as down as 3000 feet.


The aquatic life lovers request divers to explore the underwater world as much as they can but without disturbing them by touching or handling them in any way. During the classes, the instructions have been given to divers what to do and what not to do. The beauty of underwater has been defined by corals which look stunningly beautiful and people find it really tempting to touch it with their hands in order to experience the feel. But when you touch the coral, you are actually killing it and killing the beauty of sea.

Many divers prefer to have fins for easy diving. But there are few who know that the wave created by fins disrupts the normal life of aquatics, affects photosynthetic abilities of corals and washes away the little creatures. These kinds of damages are not very easy to recover, even in their lifetime. That is why Cours Plongee Phuket Thailande training has been provided prior to diving wherein divers learn how to protect themselves along with protecting the environment.

Puffer fish are kind which are highly vulnerable to human’s activities. There are few divers who have very little knowledge about different kinds of aquatic creatures and in order to do something adventurous, they end up harming them which is sometimes beyond the recovery point. These things are needed to be understood that adventure and exploration is important up to certain extent only. Even feeding the fishes are not allowed. One should understand that fishes have different requirements even though they belong to the same category. For more details , please visit at:

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2014 ⏰

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