"That's right, I remember that now...What even hit me?"

"It was a part to a electric work out machine they were putting together. A piece came off at high speed and unfortunately hit you in the head." Julaney said, looking at me then typed on her datapad for a minute or to. She then stopped, setting it down and leaned over me to take off the bandage.

"You sustained a concussion and might experience memory loss. As for that, you'll be staying in the infirmary until I feel you're properly stable enough to be released."

"WHAT?!" Hux shouted out, my head started ringing and I groaned. "You CANNOT keep her here! She is perfectly fine!"

"She seems perfectly fine General, however she sustained a CONCUSSION. In which she'll experience memory loss, as any other nurse or doctor would have let their patient go I am not them. She will stay here till further notice! That. Is. It!" She said as she replaced the bandage on my head with a brand new one.

"Do not talk to me in that tone! I can have you shipped off to another planet in seconds!" Hux said as he began to approach her, as much as the shouting worries me, I didn't want him to hurt her.


"Take that up with Kylo, I'm sure he'd agree that sending me off to a planet just because I feel it's better and safer for Amalia to stay here would go along smoothly with him. In fact! Go tell Snoke." Julaney said in a harsh attitude filled tone, honestly I liked that more than I should. Hux stood there in silence, arms now at his side, hands balled into fists.

"Hux, it's fine. I feel better being here. You can visit me if you want, i can handle my own." I said to Hux to reassure him, he looked at me with concern yet trust. A nursing droid walked through a door and approached Hux to lead him out the room.

"Come along sir, the patient needs rest." The droid said, gently pushing Hux along. With a grumble and groan, Hux willingly left the room and walked down the hall. I chuckled softly, relaxing against the bed.

                    Julaney's Pov

I sighed, grabbing my datapad then walked to the computer. I finished the medical report on the datapad then sent the medical report to be looked over by my boss. No, my boss isn't Hux or Kylo. A higher up medical professional is my boss, Kylo and Hux are beyond that several levels. Yet again, I sighed then set the datapad down as I began to type on the computer.

"Is there anything you might require of me, madam?"

"No, thank you G4-R9. I'll notify you if anything changes." I said to the droid, then heard her turning away and leaving the room. The room was completely silent now, I was more focused on my work I had to get done. Being a medical aid, I had tons and tons of work to do. Thankfully, not many injured come in every day, however when there is a huge battle, that's when I have the fun days.

"My apologies for General Hux." Amalia said. "He's a bit more hot headed today, he was most likely worried I had died or something." I simply rolled my eyes, couldn't help but crack a bit of a smile.

"Not to worry. I've dealt with him many times before. Just wished he'd get his head out his ass sometimes."

Amalia began to laugh a bit, I turned my head to her to see. She was laughing but her hand was over her mouth, trying to muffle the laughter. "Ya know," She said "You shouldn't talk like that about the General, he might hear you."

Yet again, I rolled my eyes then approached her right bedside which was her left. I threw my hands up in the air as I shrugged my soldiers. "I've said worse to his face. If he didn't like me talking that much he would have thrown me off long ago." I turned away, walking over to the wall on the other side of the room. I pressed the wall gently, two shelving racks popped out, one with towels and the other with clothes.

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