answer me this

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maybe my imagination led me to believe there was nothing i could do to save myself as i gripped and grasped for something to hold on to while falling. falling from where? and where to? maybe that was my imagination, too. and i guess maybe, (if everything's been made out of a lie in my mind) he was just a holder of my thoughts, a cabinet of the sorts, something to put my brain in and lock to keep it away. away from me, im not in control, i never have been, what is that feeling they call when you don't know where you are, sort of like you've been gone from yourself for a while and can't find your way back? maybe that feeling was the reason he threw my brain back at me, he acted irrationally, it scattered about within the walls of my head and stuck randomly to parts of me which were hard to find. my minds been lost and now my emotions are all over me, covering me, spreading through all of myself and i can't help but wonder how this ever started.

why was i falling?

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